MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 01-14-2016

Happy New Year!

Family Picture

2016 Family Picture

I have bought the plane tickets. We are coming back to America for a visit in June. I am in need of several new supporting churches to replace support that was lost this term. At this time I am busy scheduling meetings for when we will be in the States. If any of you would like to financially support a missionary to Uganda, Africa, please contact me so I can get your church on the schedule. If you prefer individual support, you can click the donation link over on the right to make your tax-deductible contribution by way of our non-profit, Central Missionary Clearinghouse.

There are a few basic needs that would be of great help to us as we begin the buildup to coming back to America. First, any assistance anyone can give with our travel expenses would be welcome and much appreciated. Make sure you label any gifts as “Furlough Fund” so I know what they are for. Second, my brother-in-law Paul Spilger has started a GoFundMe page to raise money for a vehicle while we’re in the States. We need an SUV that seats eight so we can get around comfortably and safely. You can view his page at https://www.gofundme.com/cag6m8yc.

Meanwhile, we are making good progress with the library. I have a quota of books I sort and pack into metal boxes (protects against termites) and haul out to Sangano every week. Thank you for those who sent money to help buy tables, chairs, and the metal boxes we needed to hold the books. We are planning another wedding/baptism service and a vacation Bible school, so be in prayer about that. I am working on getting the remaining three churches organized and under at least interim leadership before we come back for furlough. Be in prayer for our pastors.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers.

God bless you!