MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 04-26-2005

Howdy, all! Things went well at Calvary Baptist Church in Campbell, MO. It's a town almost on the Arkansas border, about an hour from Walnut Ridge. Our boys had a great time playing with Pastor Tony Woods' kids, Anthony and Loren. Anthony had this battery powered, toy 4-wheeler, and the guys drove it all over. I'll get pics up soon so you can see for yourself. It was good to fellowship with the Woods'. They're our age, so we had plenty to talk about. They've got this vibrant, Independent Baptist church, surrounded by all these General Baptist churches. The General Baptists think you can lose your salvation. So, it's nice that there's a Biblical church in the area, not only soulwinning, but believing that once the Gospel "takes", it stays with you for eternity. I preached with a lot of liberty in the evening service. It's always good to know that God is using you to call people to Himself, and it was apparent that He was present in the service. It was a great meeting, and we were glad to get to be there.

The big day is coming tomorrow, when we finally get an ultrasound and get some reconnaissance photos of what's going on in Anna's womb. Will it be one baby or two, and what gender are we talking about here? Enquiring minds want to know. I'll send out another update tomorrow when we know. We'll be driving to Blaine, MN on Saturday, so pray that the drive goes without difficulty, and that our rickety old Astro holds together to get us there and back.