MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 07-21-2005

Just a quick note before we pull out of Dillon, MT (and while have access to the hotel broadband). Our meeting last night went great. Pastor Rick Hammond has a great little church going here, in Stone Creek Bible Baptist Church. He has a real heart for God, and for his community. Pray that the church will grow, and that he and his wife will not be weary in well doing (I don't think they are, just that it would be a good idea to pray as such), and that God will continue to encourage them.

On the way to Billings the night prior, we had an encounter with a deceased deer, just over a rise, in the dark, and right smack in the middle of the lane. All I had time for was to try to center us in order to minimize the damage. As it turned out, he, well, "a'sploded", and sprayed the underside of our van with blood, hair, and deer guts. Nasty. So, we got to smell the lovely smell of cooking deer guts 'til this morning, when Pastor Hammond came over to the hotel and helped me clean all that mess out of there. Talk about a servant's heart! We swung by a car wash out of town to clean up the remainders, so we should be alright.

We'll be with Richard and Candy Miller on Sunday in Billings, MT (Grace Baptist Church). Pray for our continued driving, and that God will bless in the meeting on Sunday.