MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 11-18-2005

Greetings! We had a great week last week. To begin with, we were in Blessed Hope Baptist Church in Farmington, MO, with Pastor Jeff Brady. Their missions conference went great. We had some great fellowship with them, and with the missionaries who were with us in the conference. R.J. Saladin, to Mexico, and Lanelle Smith, to Cote D'Ivoire, Africa we've met, and also Angel Parrish with Rock of Ages to the Women's Prisons in Missouri. We went out to Lafayette Bible Baptist Church on Friday for their Revival Fires meetings. Great preaching, particularly from Pastor Bob Smith. Praise the LORD, Blessed Hope Baptist Church voted to take us on for support! On Sunday morning, we had a meeting in Larry Croy's church, New Testament Baptist Church in Waterloo, IL. For some reason, in the course of the meeting, I opted to preach a different message than I normally preach. The short of it is, six people prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior! Now I know what the LORD had in mind. They had been witnessing to, and praying for, these people for some time, and I got to play a small part, and be present for the harvest. What a blessing!

Things are going well. Keep praying about meetings. I have several I'm trying to nail down, but am having trouble getting the Pastors on the phone. Pray that they'll be willing to have us in, and that their churches will be moved to support us. Pray about February. January is full, and March and April are almost, but I have only one conference in February and need to get the month filled up. The summer needs to fill up, however, I have a Pastor's Conference in April in North Carolina that I've been invited to by Jimmy Rose, the Brazilian Director with BIMI, so pray that it will go well, and will yield some meetings out East. Pray for the rest of the year, and that the money will be there for Christmas. Pray for our health, that it will remain good, and our travels, that they will remain safe. Pray that our support will come up significantly in November and December, to put us on good footing to begin 2006.