MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 12-08-2005

Greetings! We had a great meeting in Heritage Baptist Church in Lawrence, KS with Pastor Scott Hanks. They put us up in this great prophet's apartment, so we got good rest, and were able to get to church in the morning in seconds. Sunday school went well. I taught the Teen Boys (9th – 12th grade), from Acts 17 and Paul on Mars Hill, and we talked about strategies for reaching the unchurched in an increasingly pagan culture. The services went well, and our presentation was well received. Pray for Heritage Baptist Church. They're trying to expand their main building, but some obstinate (translation: crooked) county inspectors are making them engage in all manner of bureaucratic gymnastics, and, every time they think they've achieved compliance, they move the finish line. So, be in prayer that God will move the heart of the king to stop this foolishness and let them build. They also have a growing printing ministry, and a bunch of books printed that need to be sold, so pray that those will sell.

Our Christmas break has begun, so no more meetings 'til 2006. Good thing, too, because a big snowstorm moved in on our heels in Topeka, KS, and has made its way to St. Louis today, so the snow is falling here and the kids are loving it. We've decorated for Christmas and are busy enjoying the holidays. The kids are learning their Christmas parts for Sunday and our church's Christmas program. We've started some of our Christmas shopping, and have already lined out the presents we'll be giving the kids. Everything is going great. Pray for next year that the schedule will fill, that Pastors will be willing to have us in for meetings, and that I'll be able to get in touch with them (not their answering machines – a useless device, since no one responds to its messages, and not their secretaries) in a relatively timely manner. Pray that our support will come up in the new year. It's trending that way at the moment, but pray that the trend will continue and we'll have the support we need to, you know, live and all. Pray that I'll be able to get a laptop soon, and that the money will be there to start buying the language tutorials I need to be prepared for when we get to the field. I need to get some Sign Language materials from Silent Word ministries, a French language tutorial from Rosetta Stone, and a host of Hebrew and Greek tools and books to help me polish my skill with those languages to prepare for language training at BBTI in Fall, 2007. The laptop is for running these, and so I can work on them on the road. Thanks for all your prayers!