MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 04-10-2006

Hello, all! We had a great meeting yesterday in Faith Baptist Church in Bridgeton, MO (Pastor Dan Gonnerman). We were with them all day and had a great day ministering to them, and being ministered to by them. They are voting to take us on for support, which is very good news. They're a great church full of sweet people, and it's an honor to be included in their missions family. Currently, we're getting stuff done this week in lieu of our next batch of missions conferences coming up (Lakewood Baptist Church in Chattanooga, TN, and Corinth Baptist Church in Corinth, ME respectively). Pray for Anna. She woke up sick with what all of the rest of us have had, apparently. I'm minding the store while she rests, and hopefully, we can get her healthy again pretty soon.