MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 08-21-2006

Greetings! Last week I was in Chattanooga, TN at BIMI's World Headquarters for their Church Planting Conference that they've asked all of their missionaries to attend. Anna and the crew stayed back in St. Louis, and I went down last Monday. It was a great week. We had several veteran missionaries in to teach on various subjects pertaining to this most noble of actions: planting a local, NT Baptist Church. In the evenings, we had some great services in which God really dealt with us, and it became more a revival week than a school. It was a very profitable 5 days, and well worth the time to attend.

I was determined to plant Baptist churches in Uganda before, but I'm even more fired up now to raise our support, get to Uganda, learn the language, and busy myself in birthing new Baptist churches in East Africa. In time, as the Holy Spirit works, and as these churches become indigenous and begin birthing their own church plants, I have no doubt that a new Bible belt will arise in East Africa. God plainly intends to bring revival to that part of Africa, and I'm so incredibly privileged to get to be one of His laborers to assist in making it happen. God is bringing the light of His Gospel to the forgotten places of the world, and in due time the harvest of souls reaped will put the Western nations to shame. Uganda is one of those places, and is quickly becoming the epicenter of a great movement of the Holy Spirit.

Pray that God will move churches to support us so we can get to the field quickly to join the LORD's work in Uganda. Pray for us this weekend as we have a meeting in Lighthouse Baptist Church with Pastor Pete Ruble in Festus, MO. Pray that we'll be a blessing to him, and to the people there as we serve God in the ministry of deputation.