MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 01-18-2007

Greetings! Much has happened since our last email. I had sent out a prayer bulletin last week to let you know about the break-in. Well, when we got home, we discovered that it wasn't nearly as bad as it sounded over the phone. The items they took were small and, well, pointless. Like, for example, they took our change jar, which contained ALL OUR PENNIES! Five dollars in change, gone, just like that!! It's a moral outrage! Yet, the innocuous, cowboy boot piggy bank next to it was stuffed full of quarters, and the braniacs didn't think it was worth having. They rifled through our drawers, didn't find anything worth snatching at the moment, and, it would seem, got spooked and took off before they could take anything really valuable. The only really upsetting, and rather odd, thing they did was to take an album full of our wedding pictures, and strew them about in the back yard before they hopped the fence and left (The photos were rescued before weather could harm them). Our pastor and family went above and beyond the call of duty. They called the cops, hung around until they had the evidence they needed, replaced our locks front and back, and nailed plywood over the glass on the back door. Anna and I have been fingerprinted now, and the cops are working on nailing the ne'er-do-wells responsible.

As of the writing of this email, however, the full amount, and then some, which we needed to replace these ancient doors has been provided. Praise the LORD! I am already beginning preparations to get things moving that way. We have a contractor in our church that's going to install them for us. I just have to get them ordered, and as soon the back door, which has to be custom made because of it's non-standard size, arrives, we can get them installed. It's going to be really great to have some good doors, and will increase our peace of mind knowing that people can't just come walking in and abscond with our stuff. So, between the steel doors, and the dozen or so diamondback rattlers I plan to release in the house before each trip, we should be fine.

Tomorrow, we'll be starting the first leg of our trip up to Maryland and Delaware, for some meetings up there on Sunday. We'll be heading to North Carolina for another conference starting on Wednesday after that, before swinging back by home the following. Then I fly up to Montana for some conferences in Great Falls to round out the month. Pray for us as we travel, and as we continue to seek the support we need to follow God's leading to Uganda, Africa.