MISSION: Uganda Email Update 04-24-2007

Hello! Our meeting in Mountain Lake Independent Baptist Church went very well. Our soulwinning effort yesterday in Pittsburgh, PA went great. I handled placing literature form Safe Harbor Baptist Church in doorways (it was large for little hands, and kind of slick), and James and John handed out tracts to anybody out on the street. They were very bold, and each handed out about 20 gospel tracts (the weather was perfect, and lots of folks were out and about). They make me very proud. It was a big encouragement to Pastor Lint and his folk, and I was happy for the opportunity to help their ministry. Theirs is the only fundamental, Independent Baptist church in their area of Pittsburgh. Pray for this new church plant as they continue to grow and see folks saved. Pray that the literature will bear fruit, with souls saved and added to the church.

On Sunday, I got to speak in the Youth Sunday School class, which was a blessing as always, and I showed our slides and spoke about Uganda in the evening service. Now here's the really great news: they have taken us on for support also! That's two in a row. Pastor Corbett in Bethel Baptist in LaPlata, MD set up both these meetings for me, and they have both resulted in support for us. Thanks Bro. Corbett! God has just been bringing in the support, and showing Himself strong on our behalf. We should be doing very well by the time we go to language school in August. Pray that we will have at least 80% of our support by then. We have so enjoyed our time here with Pastor Leatherman and Mountain Lake Independent Baptist Church. They have welcomed us and made us feel right at home, and I am very glad we get to be one of their missionary families.

Tomorrow we drive to Charlottesville, VA for a missions conference with Pastor Mark DeLoach in Albermarle Baptist Church. Pray for God's blessing in the meetings each day, and that they will have the funds to support us as well.

That's all for now!