When God Moves

Today I picked up a hitch hiker. It was the first time I’ve ever done anything like that before. I had to make a trip to Sam’s to return some meat we got there that was bad. As I drove up to the entrance ramp a lady was sitting by the ramp with her thumb out. The rule for me (given me by my husband and my father before him) was to NOT pick up any hitch hikers. So my first instinct was to drive on past. But the Holy Spirit very distinctly impressed me that I needed to stop and pick her up. I started to go ahead and drive by, but the burden to pick her up was so great that I pulled over and did so. It was one of those times where you know He isn’t speaking to you audibly but it feels like He is just to make sure you hear Him.

As I stopped I prayed and asked God for boldness to witness to her. My plan was, since I had a captive audience to witness to her the whole time she was in my car.

I got out and helped her load her things and then we started off. She only wanted me to take her as far as I was already going, but as I drove God impressed me to go further. I asked her where she needed to go and she told me that if she could get to I-70 it would be a big help. So I took her there. We talked the whole time. God gave me great liberty. She brought up spiritual things and I was able to boldly speak truth and give her the gospel not once but twice! She tried to explain her beliefs but I could tell she is very confused.

As she got out I gave her some money for food down the road since she had just eaten. I also gave her some sunscreen that “just happened” to be in the car. She is a very fair skinned red head and already had a terrible sunburn. Then I gave her a tract and told her that it explained what I’d already told her.

So, if you think about it, pray for Priscilla. Pray that God will continue to put people in her path that will show her God’s love and the truth and that she will get saved. She really wants to understand the truth but Satan is doing all he can to blind her mind. We prayed together several times and she asked God to show her the truth. I prayed for her that God would honor that prayer. I believe God put me in her path because she has prayed for that very thing in the past.

Sometimes it is so humbling to get a little tiny glimpse of God’s great big picture. It’s even more humbling to be part of it. When God moves in a life, nothing can stand in His way!