MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 09-02-2011

Greetings! Our first Lord's Supper at Sangano went very well. I had preached on this and taught on this, so when the day came, it was all done decently and in order. Everyone well understood the serious nature of the memorial service, and we moved through it at a good pace with time for instruction along the way. We got a good rain storm right before, naturally, so after waiting about 20 minutes for it to die down, we were able to get to it and actually hear ourselves (downpour on a tin roof is deafening). We had 20 members of 24 present, but LORD willing, this first beginning will grow to many more. Pray this motivates those who are still riding the fence on church membership to join the church here.

Lord's SupperLord's Supper

Construction is beginning on a more permanent building for the church at Juru to replace the temporary structure we were in. Pray for this process, that it will proceed well with minimal expense. Pray for safety for the workers, and protection from theft (construction materials are at a premium in the camp).

Also pray for the baptismal service at Sangano approaching in a few weeks. I've been involved in these before, but this time Anna and I are running the show, so pray everything proceeds smoothly. Our tenure at Nakivale is making tangible progress, and we look to the future to all that remains to accomplish here as God advances his work in the refugee camp.