MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 06-09-2021

Howdy folks!

It’s high time I gave you all an update on how things have been going.

Our Pastor has improved significantly since my last report. Through pulpit fill and helping with other responsibilities, I’ve been able to take some of the burden off of him during his recovery. Those efforts have paid off. We’ve enjoyed our opportunity to be involved in our local church, and to get to know a lot of the folks who joined after we left for Africa eleven years ago. I also had the privilege of sitting on the ordination council for my brother in law, who is the assistant pastor of our church.

God has blessed and worked in the lives of our kids who were struggling. We have been working as a family on resolving some issues that developed on the mission field, and which really revealed themselves this past year. The result of this is that we are all in a much better place spiritually and emotionally, and can move forward doing all that God has directed us to do, them at college this Fall, and us on the field. I’m grateful for all God has done for us in these areas.

Throughout this time in the states, we’ve been in constant contact with our church leaders in Uganda. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, we can communicate with them several times a week. We’ve been able to send regular financial assistance for food and medicine and are continuing to save for the construction projects pending upon our arrival. The churches are doing well, though eager for us to return.

We decided to take advantage of the COVID vaccines available in the US, hoping it would allow us to travel internationally more easily. This has proven to be the case, since Uganda was allowing vaccinated persons to enter the country without requiring a negative COVID test upon entry. About the time we were getting our tickets, Pfizer approved the vaccine for use with 12-15 year olds, so I decided it would be wise to get our 15 year old son vaccinated also. He had his second shot a couple days ago, which leaves two weeks remaining to reach “fully vaccinated” status.

We were making plans to leave after the vaccination processes were complete, and Anna had almost completed the packing (again!) when we received some more unexpected bad news from Uganda. It seems the Indian strain of COVID-19 has reached the country and has caused a swift uptick in new cases. This has prompted the Ugandan government to restore many of their prior lockdown protocols. As it stands right now, we cannot return to the field due to the COVID restrictions. We’ve been in touch with friends there and the restrictions would make our ministry impossible.

Upon consultation with our Pastor, we have decided to remain until early October. This will give the virus time to run its course, and hopefully allow the country of Uganda to lift its lockdown restrictions so churches can meet again and we can travel between districts. It will also bring the cost of plane tickets down, which are very expensive right now.

We are of course grieved by this further delay, as we were all very much wanting to go home and continue our work. God however seems to have other plans for the immediate future. So, we are adapting to the changes as best we can, and are preparing to assist with our church’s ministry for the foreseeable future. I will be sending COVID relief money of my own to Uganda to purchase food and medicine to keep our people healthy and fed while they are on lockdown.

Given our still more extended stay in America, if any of you would like a visit from us, let me know and I will make arrangements.

Thank you for your patience and continued prayers for us.