MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 11-08-2021


Greetings one and all!

The day we have long hoped for has finally come. We are going home!

We had anticipated returning at the beginning of October. Then, as the day approached, I realized Brennah’s passport had expired. We began the renewal process as soon as we discovered the issue, but the lady at the post office said it would take 12 weeks for it to come back. We paid to expedite it, and began praying for a miracle. The passport came back in only 4 weeks! Praise God!

Our tickets are bought, and we are flying back to Uganda on November 30.

We have a lot of details to finalize before we leave, but the real work begins when we get there. Cleaning. Buying food. Getting ourselves plugged back in. Getting over jet lag. Renewing work permits. Endless paperwork.

A serious situation has developed at the Sangano church. Several members have created division in the church and tried to take over leadership of it from those the church members elected. The situation is under control for the moment. I have been in constant contact with our church leaders the whole time via WhatsApp (as I have been the entire time we’ve been in the US). I’m looking forward to being there in person and being able to once more teach our doctrines classes, now that we’ll be able to return to more “normal” services. We will need to teach new believers and encourage the rest of the membership in God’s Word — something that has been lacking due to the restrictions of the past year plus.

Our deacons, especially Zizi, have done the lion’s share of the work, visiting and encouraging church members, even when the churches were unable to meet. He has been faithful through all of this, in spite of being the focus of this latest division. He has made one request of me – that we get him a laptop to use with the church. We would appreciate any help we could get with this project. Then I can take it with us when we go. It will be useful in furthering the ministry in Uganda as we translate materials for the classes we teach. Please let me know if you would be willing to help with this need.

Please pray for our trip. There are many travel requirements we will be navigating for the first time and we are uncertain what it will be like when we enter Uganda. It will also be the very beginning of the Christmas season when we arrive, so we anticipate more hustle and bustle than usual in Mbarara, and possible supply issues. God has worked out the details for us to go back right now, so we fully expect Him to provide, but we appreciate your prayers.

Pray for our churches, pray for our people, pray for souls to be saved. Pray for the safety and health of our church members.