MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 05-22-2023

I am now the parent of a college graduate.

I am about to be the parent of married children later this summer.

Kind of boggles the mind.

The graduation went great. It wasn’t that long ago that we dropped our eldest off at college, and were planning to return to Uganda. It tore my heart out to do it, but it had to be done. Children have to grow up. Boys have to become men. Our culture, when it isn’t destroying babies and children and families, has a serious problem with maturity.

We always focussed with our own children on the general concept of “We aren’t trying to help you be better children – we are preparing you to be adults.” Sure we had fun, but gaining maturity, developing into a responsible, useful adult has always been the primary goal. It makes me proud to see my young men being men, assuming responsibility, taking their places in the world.

Immediately after graduation weekend, we were off to Shreveport for a Bible Conference at Louisiana Baptist University. Thank you Dr. Maddox and the folks at Central Missionary Clearinghouse for inviting us! The sessions were a great encouragement and source of useful training.

I’m going to fanboy here a bit, but I GOT TO MEET DON AND CATHY MINGO IN PERSON! Don Mingo has written several books, including “The Cross-Cultural Worker’s Spiritual Survival Guide: 14 Survival Tips to Help You Thrive in Your Calling“. I read that book back in 2019. I had been struggling with what turned out to be extreme emotional fatigue and burnout. I was discouraged. Yet I was working hard, because that’s what you do – don’t quit and work harder. COVID hit and trapped us in America. So I had no choice. I had to stop and focus on myself and my family. That book encouraged me to get counseling. It saved my ministry. Probably my family too.

It was also good to stop in for a visit with our supporting church, Shady Grove Baptist Church in Bossier City. That church has faithfully supported us since 2008. I remember I went to their missions conference way back when we were still attending Baptist Bible Translator’s Institute in Texas. They have faithfully stuck with us all this time. Like the parable goes, they were with us through everything, through the heat of the day. I am very grateful for churches like that. You all encouraged me to keep going back when I was still a newbie, struggling to raise my support. You helped get me where God was leading us, and you helped keep me there. Thank you!

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