MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 09-11-2006
Greetings, one and all! We were in Ketha Heights Baptist Church in Festus, MO with Pastor Richard Lourcey last night. He's been Pastor there for two months, and the church is growing and doing well. He led them to abandon their American Baptist status and make the switch to being Independent Baptist just a few weeks ago. Attendance is up, and rising, and his people are getting a vision for reaching their area, which is tremendous and what you want to see as a Pastor. He has a church full of young Christians, so pray that they will continue to grow individually, and as a body, and that the LORD will continue bringing people into the church. They are having their first missions conference in the history of their church in January, so pray that it will go well, and that the people will really get a grip on Grace Giving, and get a broader vision for the world.
Today we're driving down to Chattanooga, TN on our way to a conference in Trinity Baptist Church in Centerville, GA with Pastor Terry Hyman. As a matter of fact, I'm sitting in Wal-Mart right now typing this and waiting for them to finish changing the oil in our van so we can get out of Dodge while it is yet day. Pray that the drive will proceed safely and without incident. Pray that God will move in the Conference, and that we will be an edifying to the Church and to the Pastor.
Never forget. Never surrender. God bless America.