MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 07-20-2018

Hello again, folks! I finally located a well drilling company that I could trust so we could begin drilling a well out at Sangano IBC. They came and did the survey. Geological formations indicated the possibility of water at around 80m. Then we hit a snag where they needed to get a part from Kenya for their drilling machine. This, of course, opened up a 3 week delay from Uganda’s excellent and totally not corrupt customs process. Once they finally got their machine ready, we began drilling. They tried two different places, down to 120m, and there was no water. The ground water in Isingiro is depleted. The whole region has been in drought conditions for some time, and this is the result. So, we are going to have to go with Plan B. I will be using the remaining money to buy two 10,000 liter holding tanks, and install guttering to store rainwater. That will supply them with clean water for drinking, and provide a means for me to keep them supplied with water during the dry season.

I bought a used 250cc Honda dirt bike for use by the leadership at Sangano. This will aid with outreach efforts in the community.


Pastor Zizi on our awesome new dirt bike.

We celebrated Independence Day with other missionaries in our town.

God Bless America!

The crew with our new American flag MAGA hats.

I still need to rebuild the Isanja Independent Baptist Church building. It will not survive another rainy season. When the rains return, it will come down. If you can help us to get this done before it falls down, I would appreciate it. According to our estimates, we will need $15,000. If you do send funds for this, remember to mark it for Isanja Building Project so I know what it is for.

Pray for rain. The dry season has been long, and hard on the regions still reeling from the drought of 2016. Pray for souls to be saved, and the continued growth of our churches.