Author Archive for: James
About James
James and Anna Huckabee are independent Baptist missionaries, sent by Grace Baptist Church of Saint Louis, MO to deliver the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ to the great nation of Uganda.
Entries by James
MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 12-06-2022
/in MISSION: Uganda Blog/by JamesGreetings! I promised to fill you all in with more details in the next letter. Promises made, promises kept. The Holy Spirit has been doing much work in our ministry. I preached on Ephesians 2. Specifically on the difference between Children of God and Children of the Devil. We expect children to resemble their parents. […]
MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 11-28-2022
/in MISSION: Uganda Blog/by JamesGreetings! I trust everybody had a great Thanksgiving. I am thankful for my family, for my ministry, for my salvation, and that God gave me to Christian parents who raised me to love and serve Him. I am abundantly blessed. Thank you to all of you who have prayed for us and supported us financially […]
Contact Info:
Grace Baptist Missions of Uganda
James and Anna Huckabee
P.O. Box 1830
Mbarara, Uganda
(314) 498-7842
Truth Social
Grace Baptist Missions
Pastor Ken Spilger
11642 Riverview Dr.
Saint Louis, MO 63138
(314) 355-2137
Central Missionary Clearinghouse
P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
(800) 262-7729