Entries by James

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 09-18-2020

Howdy! I hope everybody is doing well wherever you are in this, the sixth month of “14 days to flatten the curve.” Unfortunately, I have no good news on the Uganda lockdown situation. Earlier this month, a recommendation was made to the Ugandan President Museveni to open up schools and the airport on October 1. […]

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 07-24-2020

Good morning! Since the pandemic has the world locked down, probably unnecessarily, and since changes come suddenly and with little warning, it is necessary to update you all more often.  We are still on standby in America, awaiting the reopening of the Ugandan border. As of today, Entebbe airport is still closed to international travel. […]

CORRECTION and a Small Update

Greetings! I have fresh information and a correction on the lockdown situation in Uganda. First the correction. Ugandan churches and schools are still closed. I misunderstood a report from one of my pastors there. They are meeting in small groups for worship, but official church (meeting in the actual buildings) is still forbidden.  The President […]

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 06-08-2020

Greetings! I think 2020 is going to go down as one of the most bizarro years in recent memory. Not much has changed since the last update. Uganda is still on lockdown. We are still in America, waiting for the government there to open their borders again. We have heard conflicting news from President Museveni. […]

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 04-01-2020

Greetings, fellow China flu combatants! 2020 is shaping up to be quite a year, isn’t it? Today was the day we were to fly back home to Uganda. We had our tickets bought. We had wrapped up a busy schedule of meetings in churches, working hard to raise more support, raise money for building projects, […]