Entries by James

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 10-19-2012

Since the move kept me so busy that two months went by, I thought an addendum might be in order to keep from deluging you with everything in one letter. I have finished preaching through the section in Ephesians about the family. All in all the teaching went well. We plan to review it again […]

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 10-15-2012

Greetings! Much has happened in the past two months. Remember the EPIC HUCKABEE MOVE 2012 I mentioned in August? It ate two months. Two months of brutally hard work, excruciating stress, frustrations, and sheer exhaustion. August and September I spent pushing wet noodles up hill. In other words, I had to get the various men […]

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 08-14-2012

Howdy! I have finally reached the part of Ephesians that specifically deals with families (wife-husband, husband-wife, children-parents). I began preaching through Ephesians with that specific passage in mind, and have been heading steadily in that direction for the past year. So, the day finally arrives, I’ve prepared the first sermon in the series, dealing with […]

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 07-21-2012

Hello again! The work at Juru is finally finished. Here are some pictures of the finished church building there. Thank you to everyone who contributed to help get this thing built.  Pray for the ministry out at Nakivale. The UN has cut rations to the camp (again). We are having difficulty getting out there because of […]

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 06-22-2012

Hello again! Things are progressing very well here. The annual Uganda Field Conference has come and gone without incident. It’s always pleasant when I go to Kampala and don’t a) have car trouble b) get robbed c) get pulled over by crooked traffic cops, or d) get in a wreck. We got to visit with […]