Entries by James

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 01-09-2012

Happy New Year! Everything went well out at Nakivale for the Christmas service and Children’s Christmas parties. We handed out the toy cars to the boys (huge excitement) and the stuffed bears to the girls and the infants (also huge excitement). Anna taught a Bible lesson, and we had KoolAid and cookies. It was tremendous […]

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 12-23-2012

Merry Almost Christmas! We are busily preparing for the Christmas parties out at the refugee camp tomorrow. We are having a short party at each of the three places for the church kids, and then giving out presents. The cars we've received are ready. The little stuffed bears for the girls are ready. It's going […]

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 12-01-2011

Hello, from the rain forest! While many of you are dealing with winter weather, the rainy season is in full swing here in Uganda. It rains, hard, nearly every day. Our yard is a swamp. Thankfully, we have some good grass on most of the yard, but it still makes it rather messy. I'm saving […]

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 11-14-2011

Greetings and salutations! Work is progressing very well on the church building at Juru. Every time we go out there, I find that the wall is higher. This week, you could see the windows. Another three feet or so and they will have reached the roof. Meanwhile, they are constructing latrines at the other places. […]

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 10-10-2011

Greetings! I thought I’d send a brief letter and let you see the latest construction out at the Juru church. They have put the roof on the pole building, and we had our first service at the new location yesterday. Thank you to the church that sent us money for the construction. This is what […]