MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 06-21-2010
Greetings from Uganda! The World Cup is in full swing down in South Africa, and it’s sucking up all available bandwidth on the internet, so I have to take advantage of this window of opportunity to send an email (plus, the power has a bad habit of going off whenever I need to do something important like this as well). Our Runyankore language study is progressing well. We are in the phase of study where you mostly gather the names for things, so no real grammar yet, but we’re learning, and it’s very cool. In addition to helping us be better preachers and teachers of God’s Word, and better soulwinners and disciplers, learning Runyankore will make it possible to communicate in the four other related Bantu dialects around here, including the dialect spoken up in Fort Portal. We may go and start a church there someday, so this language is going to be a great help to us in that endeavor.
Meanwhile, I’ve won my first soul, our carpenter Andrew. I am beginning his discipleship on Saturday. I consider it to be my blessed duty to disciple all the people I win to the LORD, considering that new converts are spiritual infants. Soulwinning is not an end, but only a beginning. If we are to perfect the saints, we must actually do the work of teaching them what they need to know from the Bible, getting them plugged into church, and helping them grow.
I am preaching in one of the prisons nearby, and am considering going down to the refugee camps with Jeff Bassett soon. There’s plenty to keep us busy, as if learning a new language doesn’t keep you busy enough.
Some prayer requests:
- We need some more support. We came to the field undersupported. Not all the churches which indicated a desire to support us have done so, and we could really use it. Pray that God will prosper the churches where we’ve been, and remind them of His desire for them to support the Huckabees.
- Pray we will get a tenant for our house in America by the end of the month. We thought we had one, but then it fell through. We need all the money that is coming in, and cannot keep supporting a house in America. Our church has gone above and beyond the call of duty fixing it up. Someone gave us new carpet, and lots of folks have donated time and materials working on it. Our stackpipe started leaking after we left (no plumbing problems at all until after we left the country). It has to be replaced. There is some sort of blockage in the pipe under the floor in the basement which will require a plumber to fix. All these things are needed so the house can be rented, or better yet, sold (we are still in need of an eccentric milionaire to buy the house at above the current dismal market value
). Pray this can be fixed, and that the money and labor will be available to do so.
- Pray about our work permits. I have gotten a two-month extension on our visas, and we can do that one more time afterwards, for a total of four months, but we have to get our paperwork finished by then if we are going to remain in Uganda. It’s costly (I have lots of bodies here needing work permits), and I have to go to Kampala to do it, which is enormously expensive in fuel and time. Bureaucracy here is every bit as tangled as it is in America, so there’s no such thing as one, easy trip to immigration and you get everything done in an afternoon. It will probably take me staying in Kampala for three or four days to get it all done, and, knowing bureaucracy, I’ll probably wind up having to go back. We had the money for this actually, but then our yard was flooded and I had to repair a septic tank. Pray God will provide.
As always, pray for our continued health and safety. Pray for the souls of Uganda, and for the churches and leadership here.
Thanks for all your prayers and encouragement!
James Huckabee
Missionary to Uganda