MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 11-09-2008
Greetings from Tok, AK! We drove up from Kenai today, and are staying the night before heading back to Haines tomorrow to catch the ferry to Ketchikan. Our tire failed to arrive in time (no surprise), so I got a non-studded snow tire put on the back so at least we wouldn’t have to drive with one all-weather radial all the way to Fairbanks. We drove up to Fairbanks on that, and had a great meeting in Hamilton Acres Baptist Church (Pastor Bruce Hamilton). I spoke in their Christian school chapel, and had the Wednesday night service to present our work and preach. We drove from Fairbanks down to Kenai, and gained 30 degrees of warmth in the process (it was -10 degrees Fahrenheit the morning we left). We made it just in time for the Thursday night service of Immanuel Baptist Church’s missions conference (Pastor Ray Boutwell), and finished out the week today. While here, I also got the opportunity to preach in Jubilee Baptist Church in Sterling (Pastor Nick Bickish), a young church newly planted there.
Immanuel Baptist Church has supported us for three years now. The last time I was here, I was still a part-time missionary, and came to Alaska alone. I was glad to get the opportunity to bring my whole family to see the folks at Immanuel.
We took the kids on a hike on Saturday, and afterwards, we got to go shooting. All five kids got to shoot a .22 rifle, even Gaelin. They were so proud of themselves! Anna and I shot a larger caliber, scoped-rifle. You can see all our current pictures in the Gallery.
Pray for us as we finish up the drive to Haines, and as we make our ferry trip to Ketchikan. Pray for the meetings that remain and our long drive home in a few weeks. The kids are suffering from fevers, so pray for their recovery. Pray the tire shows up. I have no great hope that UPS will get it there in time, since they have been very consistent in their inability to make deadlines. We will have to work out some way to get the tire to Ketchikan I think when they once again miss the boat. Pray for us!
God bless,
James Huckabee
Missionary to Uganda