Entries by James

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 12-01-2006

Just a quick note so you can be praying. St. Louis was hit with a major winter storm last night. The ice and snow combined has knocked out power to over 500,000 in Missouri and Illinois. The ice is making repair difficult for Ameren UE. With no power, and temperatures expected to be in the teens tonight, it is understandably cause for concern, especially for the elderly. It may be days before we get it back. We’re keeping warm ourselves, and thankfully, we have natural gas, so we can cook, and have hot showers, but we can’t run the furnace without power. The church has electricity, tho’, so services should proceed normally on Sunday.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 11-27-2006

Hello, folks! I trust everyone had a good Thanksgiving. We went over to my parent's house, and then swung by Anna's folks' house on the way home. The day after Thanksgiving is the day we traditionally get decorated for Christmas. We put on the Christmas music, put up the tree, set out the Nativity and assorted other Christmasy things, and lastly, put the ornaments on the tree. The kids enjoyed it tremendously, as always. The weather was unseasonably warm this year, so I was able to get the Christmas lights put up without losing fingers to frostbite, so that was good. Two Thumbs Up Of course, it was more poignant knowing that this time next year we'll be in language school in Texas, and the year following in Soroti, Uganda, so this is basically our last Christmas in St. Louis. We try not to think too hard about it, but you can't help feeling a scoche sad as you contemplate these things.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy thanksgiving, everyone! We're thankful we're saved, we're thankful God called us to be missionaries, and we're thankful for your faithful prayers this past year.

Have a great holiday!

"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you," Philippians 1:3


James Huckabee
Missionary to Uganda

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 11-15-2006

Hello, folks! It's been a busy week since last we wrote. Our meeting in Flagstaff, AZ last week in Bible Baptist Church with Pastor George Feaster went very well. Here is a man of God who has simply stayed put. Flagstaff is a very hard mission field to reach. It's full of Mormons and New Age type people, and is a society that has a very high turnover rate due to the very high cost of living. He has toughed it out in this very hard field for 22 years, and has witnessed at least eight other Baptist works begin and falter in this time. Because of the high turnover, he continually has to start from scratch with new folks. The people are hard of heart, and simply don't feel a need for church. As a result, you don't get the big numbers that churches out East seem to think you need in order to be a success. Nonetheless, he and his wife have remained faithful and continued to minister in an area where a Baptist church is so badly needed. Pray for Bible Baptist Church, and for the Feasters. Pray that the LORD will raise up laborers for this very needy field in Arizona to come alongside and help the Feasters, and remain there for the long term.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 11-07-2006

Greetings, everyone! Just a somewhat quick update to let you know what's happened in the past week. It's hard to believe it's been only that, as so much has happened. To give you perspective, we were in Cedar Rapids, IA Sunday before last, and this past Saturday we were in Tucson, AZ. It took us three days to get down here. We swung through St. Louis on October 30th to vote (If you haven't done so today, GET OUT AND VOTE! We cannot afford to allow those dirty, thieving, Communist, pro-murder, pro-perversion, anti-American Democrats to gain any political power. Grin). We drove all day on Tuesday from St. Louis to Amarillo, TX, and on Wednesday from there to Tucson, AZ. The kids handled themselves very well in spite of all the driving.