Entries by James

Another update on Kyle – life or death situation right now

Hello, all.

This is a life or death situation for Kyle right now. Please be in urgent prayer for him. We just got word that his heart stopped again. We don't know what is causing it or why it continues to happen. The Dr.'s need much wisdom to figure out what is going on. Pray also for peace for Debbie and Matthew.

Thank you!

Anna Huckabee

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 02-11-2006

I have some more news on Kyle Guimon, for those of you who are praying for him. The heart surgery was a complete success. In every way it could be measured, it turned out perfectly. His heart is pumping at full capacity, and the blood flow through his arteries has been restored. Now, the difficulty is this: he contracted a drug-resistant strain of pneumonia while in the hospital. He has what is called Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. The result of this is that he cannot breathe without a ventilator. Additionally, his pneumonia has gone septic, so the doctors have him on a cocktail of high octane antibiotics to try and get that under control. So, he could be on the ventilator for the next two weeks, and in the hospital for four. He will be quite weak when he does come home, with about a four month recovery at home before he gets his strength back. The good news, however, is that he's already showing improvement. Pray for Kyle and this unexpected medical setback. Pray for Debbie, that she will be willing to go back to the house and get some sleep before she makes herself sick. Pray for Kyle's family as they deal with this.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 02-11-2006

Hello, again! We're back in town again, and getting caught up on things around here. We have a week off, which, it turns out, we need since we've all picked up colds. Our meeting in Tabernacle Baptist Church in Lebanon, MO went great. I would have filled you in on more details sooner, but in West Plains where we were this past week, there was no internet to be had, not even via cell phone. Anyway, I wanted to tell you about this cool thing they have at Tabernacle Baptist every Sunday night for soldiers from Army basic training at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. It's called One Day Away, and once, during basic, they bus the recruits into town, and they get to spend the day at Tabernacle Baptist Church. The church feeds them, lets them use cellphones with free nights and weekends to call their folks, has places for them to play basketball and other sports, lets them get candy out of their vending machines (you don't get any junk food during basic), and just loves on our soldiers for a day. Then, in the evening, they bring them into the auditorium and preach Jesus to them for an hour, and every week, at least a hundred or so soldiers ask Jesus to be their Savior. The night we were there, 126 soldiers were saved. It was one of the most glorious things I've ever seen. Every week this happens. Last year, over 5,000 soldiers were saved. What an incredible harvest of souls! It was especially significant to me, because, as I reported in our last letter, my son, Ethan, also got saved during the invitation, so 126 soldiers were saved, and Ethan.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 01-30-2006

Remember to be in prayer for missionary Kyle Guimon today. He should still be undergoing open heart surgery at the moment.

As for us, we're having a great conference here at Tabernacle Baptist Church (Pastor Don Ball) in Lebanon, MO. I'll have more to report in a few days when we're finished with the conference, but the most pressing news is that last night, during the invitation (Mike Edwards, Heritage Baptist Church, Woodbridge, VA), my son Ethan prayed and asked Jesus to forgive his sins and be his Savior! He raised his hand during the invitation when Bro. Edwards asked if anybody needed to be saved. We had been praying for him for some time, and talking about salvation a lot in our family Bible times. He had raised his hand before, but when I talked to him about it, I could tell he didn't quite "get it". This time was different. He was clear – Jesus had died for Ethan. He knew he'd done bad things to displease God, and he understood that Hell was where people who didn't have Jesus as their Savior went. He knew Jesus died for him, and that God raised Him from the dead. So he very simply prayed and asked Jesus to save him, and He did.

Great news!

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 01-25-2006

Greetings! We had a weekend off due to a rescheduling (a good reschedule – it got us into a missions conference in the same church in Februrary Two Thumbs Up). Our meeting in South Campbell Ave. Baptist Church went well. Turns out their Pastor, Joe Decker, has heard of BBTI (Baptist Bible Translators International), the school we'll be attending in Fall of 2007. He would like to attend also, but his duties as Pastor preclude this. However, his heart is in bringing accurate Bible translations to groups who lack them, as are our hearts. We are of one heart on this matter.