Entries by James

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 09-13-2005

Hey folks! We went in to DePaul hospital last night so Anna could be induced. We didn't want to go much past her due date because our babies tend to get huge, and her blood pressure tends to jump up if we do.
Please pray that everything will progress and that we'll have ourselves a Gaelin today. I came home to get some provisions and have to get back right away, but I wanted you all to know so you could be praying.

God bless,

James Huckabee
Missionary to Uganda

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 09-06-2005

Hello all! I trust everyone had a good Labor Day (we did – barbecue and homemade ice cream, mmm, mmm, good). Our meeting at Calvary Baptist Church in Belleville, IL (Pastor Gary Huffman) went well. It was a good meeting, and we had some great fellowship with the Huffmans afterwards. On Monday (last Monday), Anna had significant labor, enough that I had her pack a bag and get ready to go. We had the grandparents (Anna's folks) on standby and everything, but I wanted to watch it for a while in case it petered out, which, true to form, it did. We haven't had a peep out of the little critter since then. Be in prayer about that. Anna would like to have this one without chemical assistance if possible. We had asked you all to pray about our finances this month (no meetings = starvation) this month. Well, the LORD provided $900! This was right on the heels of another $400 He provided (which paid last month's house payment), so we'll be able to live this month. What a blessing, and so timely, too. That's about it for now. I'll let you all know as soon as the baby acts like he intends to be born.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 08-27-2005

Greetings! Just a quick update to let everyone know what's going on. Our trip to North Carolina and back went very well. Anna weathered it just fine, so thanks for praying for her. We had a great service and a wonderful time of fellowship with the Churchills. Charles (the younger) is a friend of mine from a while back, and it was good to get to visit with him and his wife, Susan, and Gavin, their cute little boy. Best news of all, the church voted to take us on for support on the spot! Can you believe it? I've never had a church do that before. What a blessing!

The meeting in Festus had to be bumped to Wednesday due to some last minute re-scheduling, but it went very well nonetheless. Bro. Himes has a great church and it was a blessing to get to visit with him and his family.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 08-04-2005

Howdy, all! We're home. The drive home, other than the fatigue and the weary kids, went without a hitch, so thanks for praying for us. I'll be heading to Indy on Saturday to pick up the other van, so pray about that. We have paid the first of two payments on the remainder that we owe Mission Auto, thanks to God's provision with a $1000 gift we received last month. The final payment of $1280 is coming up on August 14, and I've got to register the vehicle by August 9 (another $365 in sales tax) so pray about that also. Anna and the kids weathered the trip very well, and thank you for praying for them. Pray that the lady who's buying our van would get her title for her other vehicle soon, so she can sell it and get us the money for our old van, which she's buying from us, cause we really need the funds right now. Pray for our finances, which are very tight at the moment. Our trip west went very well, and the churches out there took good care of us, but gas is just really, really expensive, and there's just no getting around it. I can't even imagine how missionaries handle it in countries where they pay twice what we do at the pump, or more. Gas gobbled up much of the love offerings we received, and the support just isn't there yet to pay our monthly bills properly so we can use love offerings for travel expenses like we need to. I know I bring up finances a lot, but that's our biggest need currently, and I figured folks would like to pray about it. As a missionary, it puts a lot of pressure on you, and makes it hard to make the trips you need to make to get the support you need to get to the field, so it's kind of a Catch-22. Should I use the love offerings to pay for travel expenses so I can travel to churches and get support, or pay my bills on time, but have nothing left with which to travel, to raise support, to pay my bills? You see? It's a vicious cycle. At the risk of being accused of begging, I thought I'd tell you what's really going on, so you could pray more effectively for us. Frankly, I feel better knowing that people know our needs and are praying about them.