Entries by James

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 07-05-2005

Greetings, all! I trust everyone had a good Independence Day yesterday. I got us some firecrackers and set 'em off after dinner. The kids really enjoyed them (well, not so much the "loud ones", but the colorful jumping jacks and the bottle rockets they really liked).

We were in two churches on Sunday. In the morning, we were in Victory Baptist Church in Columbia, MO (Pastor Gary Crumly). In the evening, we were in Victory Baptist Church in St. Louis, MO (Pastor Mike Andrews). Both services went very well. God blessed in the services, and we were able to minister to the people.

Good news! I found out that another $1220 came in for the van from our home church, which leaves now only $2500 to reach the $8200 we need to purchase the new van. Pray that the remainder will come in this week, cause we'll need it before July 12, to go to Montana. Sitting in an oven-hot wind-tunnel for eight hours at a stretch for days at a time to get to Montana will be undoable for Anna, and no good for the rest of us, either.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 06-15-2005

Greetings! We have returned. Last week was candidate school at BIMI in Chattanooga, TN. It was a good week, but, as Dr. Sisk is fond of saying, "It's like heaven, because there is no night." Sleep deprivation aside, tho', things went very well. We had some great preaching by Randy King, Pastor of Wyldewood Baptist Church in Oshkosh, WI. We finished up our official training with BIMI, and got our certificates for attendance. I was able to get some good leads on some missions conferences in 2006 which I'm following up on. In addition, I did schedule a missions conference in April with Lakewood Baptist Church (Dr. David Bragg), which is great, cause we know some folks there from BIMI, and it's a great church. I got some great training on discipling, church planting, and starting Bible institutes, which gave me a bunch of ideas for when, at long last, we finally do get to the field. I got to spend some time with my director, Ron Bragg, and get some good direction to help me while on deputation, and so forth. All told, it was a very profitable week.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 06-06-2005

Greetings from Chattanooga! We'll be at BIMI headquarters for our second week of Candidate School this week. The missions conference at Gethsemane Baptist Church in Walnut Ridge, AR (Pastor Derek Collins) went extremely well. They're a great bunch of folks and really make you feel like family. We stayed with Bob and Nedra Guimon (Kyle's parents), and had some real good fellowship with them. The ladies in the church set about their usual conspiracy of trying to feed us to death :). There's just nothing like southern, country cooking. Their associate pastor, Randy Bailey, is real talented, and played some classic bluegrass for us while we were there (good stuff). It's a soul winning church, and we saw ten saved all told during the conference. I preached on Wednesday night on "Where Can I Get a Drink?" from John 4, and two Jehovah's Witnesses got saved! They were baptized on Sunday. Glory! Then, I preached on 2 Timothy 2:1-2, on "Where Are the Faithful Men?", and a fella who had been teetering for awhile surrendered to preach. What a blessing, to get to be used of God to call others to full-time Christian ministry. We visited the jail on Thursday, and two got saved there, and three were saved on soul winning on Saturday, with the rest coming for salvation during the services. The one image that really stands out the most is on Sunday, when a fella came to be saved, and was baptized the same day. His wife stood up front during the baptism, just weeping for him, because she was saved, and he was not, until recently. He got saved, and she had no doubt been praying and yearning for that for some time. That's what it's all about, folks.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 05-31-2005

Greetings, once again! We're back from Kansas City, and poised to head out again on Wednesday for a missions conference in Walnut Ridge, AK (Gethsemene Baptist Church, Pastor Derek Collins). The missions conference in Trinity Independent Baptist Church went very well. They're a soulwinning church, and Pastor Boos has a real heart for his city and his people. On Saturday, I was able to lead a 15 year old guy to Christ. All told, three were saved that day. To date, they have seen 73 saved in outreach alone. It's great to see a church so concerned for the lost. The preaching went well for both me and Bro. Roverosa, missionary to Cuba, and you could tell God was really working in folks' hearts.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 05-26-2005

Howdy, everybody! Can you believe it's already almost Memorial Day? Our meeting in Vinton, IA went well last weekend went great. We were able to challenge folks with the needs of worldwide evangelism, and be an encouragement to Pastor Collins and his family as well. Vinton is a beautiful little town, in the heart of Iowa corn country. In fact, their county is the number one producer per acre of sweet corn in the world. I'm glad there's a Baptist church here. One item of note here: Vinton is home to a school for the blind, the same school for the blind where Laura Ingalls Wilder's older sister intended after she lost her eyesight. Pretty cool, eh?