Entries by James

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 03-04-2005

I read this article today, and I thought it underscored very well, "Why We Need Missionaries in Africa":

Up to 89 Million More AIDS Victims in Africa by 2025 – UN
Fri Mar 4, 2005 10:15 AM ET

By Tsegaye Tadesse

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) – A further 89 million people in Africa could be infected by the HIV virus by 2025 in the continent's biggest crisis since slavery, the United Nations said on Friday.

The worst case scenario, which projects a four-fold increase in deaths from the killer disease over 20 years, was one of three contained in a report by the UNAIDS agency.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 03-03-2005

Hello, all! The last week has been quite eventful to say the least. We'd asked for prayer for our son John because he had the stomach flu. After sending the update we saw a marked improvement in how he was feeling. Thank you all for praying for him! We had a missions conference in Harrisonville, MO last week from Wed. until Sun. We didn't want to take sick kids with us. When no one was sick on Wed. morning we packed everyone in the van and headed out. (More on the conference later.) Thursday Ethan had the flu and it was one right after another with each of us getting it for the next several days. Thankfully I didn't get it until Monday when the conference was over but James was quite sick on Sunday. We all seem to be doing better now. Elizabeth is the only one who is still hanging on to some residual effects from it. Be praying for her. She has had very loose diapers ever since Sunday night. She is drinking plenty of fluids and acting okay but can't seem to shake the bowel problems.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 02-22-2005

Greetings, once again. We finished up our missions conference at Heritage Baptist Church in Florissant, MO last week. Most of the church is deaf, so Paul Strosneider translated for us hearing folks. It underscored yet again how imperative it is that we learn sign language at some point. I know of no ministry to the deaf in Uganda, and it would be criminal to deny the gospel to the deaf because of a failure to communicate. Alan Snare was with us in the conference, and he is a missionary to the deaf, and is deaf himself. He preached a message to the deaf on Wednesday, and two of them were saved! Once again, I was convicted of the need to learn at least enough sign to communicate. I have been to more than one church with deaf members, and I have always hated being unable to "speak" to them. So, Anna and I are considering obtaining some of the instructional materials that Paul Strosneider recommends. You can be in prayer for him. Although he has a successful ministry here in St. Louis, he is feeling burdened for the deaf in Africa. I, of course, have tried to encourage him to come to Uganda, to establish a school for the deaf, as well as for the hearing. We can bring American sign language to the Ugandan people, and to all of Africa, really, because they have no sign language of their own. Pray about that. Meanwhile, we will do what we can to learn some sign language, so we will be ready to minister to the deaf, as well as the hearing, not only in Uganda, but on deputation here in America. Pray for Heritage Baptist. They still need a pastor.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 02-07-2005

Not much to report today. We didn't have a meeting this past Sunday (re-scheduled). Good thing, tho'. They got a couple feet of snow down in Arkansas, and we all know how well Southerners drive in the snow. It was nice to be able to go to our church for a change. January was crazy busy, and we were gone pretty much every Sunday and Wednesday. So, we're enjoying the break and getting things done around the house. We'll be in town next week for a missions conference at Heritage Baptist Church in Florissant Baptist Church.

God bless,

James Huckabee and family

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 01-31-2005

You have probably heard the old wives fable "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" or vise versa. Well January came in like a lion and went out like a lion! Our first month of full time deputation was jam packed with more action and excitement then one could possibly handle.

Saturday, we travelled up to Kahoka, MO for an all day Sunday meeting. We had a good evening of fellowship after we arrived. Pastor Wukmer and his wife were very gracious and hospitable. The Sunday meeting went well. I taught my first ladies Sunday School class. I don't know why I was nervous when I started. I've been doing teacher training classes for years. But I was nervous! It went very well. During Sunday School the boys got their first chance to cut with scissors! (Now Mommy needs to hide all scissors in the house!) They did pretty well for their first time. Both services went well. James preached in the morning and showed our slides and gave our testimony in the evening. They had a fellowship time for the church afterward. It was great to visit with people. I got to see a lady who was teaching in the Christian school I went to in kindergarten and first grade! I knew she looked familiar and then she pulled out a year book from my kindergarten year and showed my picture around. Wow! It is a small world!