Entries by James

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 01-17-2005

Greetings, one and all. Much has happened since our last update. On Friday, we received news that another soldier has left us. Burton Brush, my wife's grandfather died of cancer. He'd battled the disease for 4 years, and Friday morning the fight ended. He was a longtime BIMI missionary in South Dakota, and his creation, the Pioneer Bible Institute curriculum, is being used by missionaries and pastors all over the world. He will be missed terribly. We were in the middle of a missions conference at Lafayette Bible Baptist Church in Manchester, MO (pastor: Ed Bragg)at the time. We finally decided that, since all we have to drive in now is my cramped old mini-van, and it's a sixteen hour drive, Anna would go to the funeral with her sisters and cousin, taking Elizabeth, and I would remain to finish the conference and keep the three boys. I have a meeting at Bible Baptist Church in New Franklin, MO on Wednesday (about 2.5 hours away). Anna should be back late on Wednesday.

Prayer Request

Looks like the possibility of getting a van from North Carolina may not work out after all. It had set for a few years, and the pastor didn't feel comfortable letting it out on the road without getting it worked on first. There was no one available to do so, and no way to get it to St. Louis to be worked on here. We still need something large enough for our crew, so be praying that God will provide something else.

God bless, and thanks for praying for us,

James Huckabee and family
Missionaries to Uganda

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 01-10-2005

Howdy folks! We're back in St. Louis. Currently, we're doing the usual Monday morning routine, which is resting and playing catch-up. As soon s I fire off this email, Anna I will be going out alone for the first time in weeks (tomorrow is the anniversary of when we got engaged 5 years ago!). We just haven't had time before now. Have to get groceries, run some errands, and lastly get some Chinese food at this new buffet that opened up nearby (mmm…mmm…good…). This is very romantic when you have 4 children! 🙂

Last night we were at Sweet Springs Baptist Church in Huntsville, MO. The meeting went great. They gave us an exceedingly generous love offering, which is very helpful, since our support level isn't very high yet. We'll be in a missions conference in Manchester, MO, Lafayette Bible Baptist Church and Pastor Ed Bragg to be precise, in a few days. Really looking forward to it. I love missions conferences. I'm really enjoying deputation. It feels great to be doing what you were meant to do, full time, and without having to juggle a full-time job. The kids have been great, more or less.

The Van Saga

We're back. Alive. In a manner of speaking… Wink I spent most of the day Friday looking for rental vehicles. Nobody had any vans – not good. Well nobody had any cars either, not in Sioux City anyway – also not good. They either didn't have any to rent, or they wouldn't let us take them one way to St. Louis. Alamo would, but for around $400. So, as a last resort, I tried Alamo again and had 'em check Omaha, NE – two hours away. They had a full-size available. So I made the four hour round trip with my wife's Aunt Cynthia (her and Uncle Brad bailed us out of this mess by letting us stay the night at their house in Carroll, NE). We swung by the body shop first in Sioux City so I could strip the van of all our remaining goods. That was hard, and awfully final. I Left My Van in Sioux City –> there's a country music song in there somewhere.

Van Update

Last night we called Anna's Aunt Cynthia and Uncle Brad. They called friends of theirs, Norm and Dawn Breece, who lived close by. They really came through for us. Norm called a tow-truck for us, and he and his wife ferried most of our belongings and us over to their house to warm up and wait while Cynthia and Brad were en route (they live an hour away). Then we loaded up and headed to their house in Carroll, NE. We crashed that night. I slept, but Anna did not, being all wracked with guilt and worry like she was.

We just got the word on the van, and it wasn't good. It's totalled. The frame is badly bent, and can't be pulled out without significant expense. So, this wonderful van that God provided is now ruined. I have to rent a car to get us the rest of the way to St. Louis, and we