All our adventures as missionaries, past and present.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 01-31-2005

You have probably heard the old wives fable "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" or vise versa. Well January came in like a lion and went out like a lion! Our first month of full time deputation was jam packed with more action and excitement then one could possibly handle.

Saturday, we travelled up to Kahoka, MO for an all day Sunday meeting. We had a good evening of fellowship after we arrived. Pastor Wukmer and his wife were very gracious and hospitable. The Sunday meeting went well. I taught my first ladies Sunday School class. I don't know why I was nervous when I started. I've been doing teacher training classes for years. But I was nervous! It went very well. During Sunday School the boys got their first chance to cut with scissors! (Now Mommy needs to hide all scissors in the house!) They did pretty well for their first time. Both services went well. James preached in the morning and showed our slides and gave our testimony in the evening. They had a fellowship time for the church afterward. It was great to visit with people. I got to see a lady who was teaching in the Christian school I went to in kindergarten and first grade! I knew she looked familiar and then she pulled out a year book from my kindergarten year and showed my picture around. Wow! It is a small world!

On the way up to Kahoka the van began making a strange noise. We isolated it to the alternator. The trouble was we'd only had that one put on about two weeks ago. We got up there without any trouble and several of the men in the church looked at it to see if they could tell what was wrong. It appeared that the alternator fan was slipping and scraping the metal plate behind it. Because it was still under warranty we needed to get the van back home to our mechanic to have him fix it or the warranty would be voided. The men thought it would make it home. So we took off from church Sunday night and just prayed that all would be well. About 30 miles down the road the fan broke off and the serpentine belt slipped off. No harm was done to the van but we couldn't drive it. Thank God we had AAA! We called them and they had someone there in about 30 min. The tow truck driver agreed to take us home and let all six of us ride with him (otherwise someone would have had to come all the way there and get us – about 130 miles one way)! It was a long drive, to say the least! The kids all handled it great and even were able to sleep for part of the time. Thank God that the part was under warranty and is already fixed this morning. God had it all under control. Seems the recommended drive belt for the van (which the mechanic put on) was a bit too tight and so put too much pressure on the alternator. The mechanic put a slightly longer belt on after replacing the part and seems to think that will do the trick.

God has blessed us mightily this month. We've seen Him take one van from us but then turn around and work everything out with the other van. He has blessed us with some truly wonderful meetings and also with people being saved. All of our financial needs have been adequately met, even the unexpected ones. It is going to be very exciting to see how He continues to work in the months ahead.

We get a slight break this next week. Our next meeting is February 13-17. We are needing this break physically, especially since we've all seemed to get pretty worn down with colds and such. Everyone is doing better but it will be nice to have a chance to rest a bit in the next week or so.

Thank you for your prayers!

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 01-25-2005

Greetings! Things are going well on the deputation trail. Last Wednesday, I was in New Franklin, MO, in Bible Baptist Church (pastor: Rodney Haggett). I was flying solo, with just myself and the three boys, as Anna and Elizabeth were driving back from South Dakota. They had gone up for Grandpa Brush's funeral. The meeting went great, and I was able to influence more young men to answer God's call for their life. Then, as it worked out, we were able to meet Anna and her sisters in Columbia, MO. You should have seen those boys. They sure were missing their momma. The next few days we spent resting and trying to get caught up again. I picked up whatever Elizabeth had when she left, and ran a fever and had a splitting sinus headache until yesterday. I don't think we've really had a chance to slow down since the first of the year when we went up to Rapid City. We drove out to New Hope General Baptist in Silva, MO (pastor: Dan Ross), and had another great meeting. It was good to have Anna back. I can make it without her, but it isn't very pleasant.

Good news! We're expecting another baby! This will be our fifth. I'm personally hoping for a girl, because Elizabeth NEEDS a little sister. The 2005 model is due for delivery on or about September 15. Please pray, for health for the baby and mom, and that Anna will be able to start labor on her own this time, and on time (she tends to run long, develop high blood pressure, and have to be induced and be juiced up on Mag Sulfate – no fun). Pray that the morning sickness will tone down a bit, as this go round seems to be more brutal than previous pregnancies. Also, be in prayer for me as I continue to line up meetings. We're doing very well, but I still have to schedule about 15 or so more to fill up the year. Pray that our support picks up this month. Pray that God provides a larger van to replace the one we lost earlier this month. Pray for safety as we travel.

That's all for now.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 01-17-2005

Greetings, one and all. Much has happened since our last update. On Friday, we received news that another soldier has left us. Burton Brush, my wife's grandfather died of cancer. He'd battled the disease for 4 years, and Friday morning the fight ended. He was a longtime BIMI missionary in South Dakota, and his creation, the Pioneer Bible Institute curriculum, is being used by missionaries and pastors all over the world. He will be missed terribly. We were in the middle of a missions conference at Lafayette Bible Baptist Church in Manchester, MO (pastor: Ed Bragg)at the time. We finally decided that, since all we have to drive in now is my cramped old mini-van, and it's a sixteen hour drive, Anna would go to the funeral with her sisters and cousin, taking Elizabeth, and I would remain to finish the conference and keep the three boys. I have a meeting at Bible Baptist Church in New Franklin, MO on Wednesday (about 2.5 hours away). Anna should be back late on Wednesday.

The missions conference was great. I got to teach a mission lesson in Children's Church on Sunday morning. I taught a missions lesson about a boy named Madugu, which involved the wordless book, a tool for giving the gospel to children. Afterwards, a nine year old boy named Anthony asked Jesus to be his Savior. That afternoon, after Anna left and we said our goodbyes, I went over to a nursing home in Eureka, MO and reached from John 3. Afterwards, an elderly gentleman named Bob also asked Jesus to be his Savior. Tremendous! Old or young, all need to hear the gospel, and all are precious to the LORD.

Then we drug our weary bodies home so the kids could get a nap. They got an hour. I got everyone up and fed them rapidly (had to finish on the way). Made it on time, tho'. We finished up the conference, and came on home. All in all, it was a great conference, with great preaching, and, in spite of fierce opposition from the Enemy, God's will was done and the Church was edified.

Home today, holding down the fort. We're resting up, running errands, cleaning house and what not. Missing my wife and daughter, tho'….

Well, that's all for now.

Prayer Request

Looks like the possibility of getting a van from North Carolina may not work out after all. It had set for a few years, and the pastor didn't feel comfortable letting it out on the road without getting it worked on first. There was no one available to do so, and no way to get it to St. Louis to be worked on here. We still need something large enough for our crew, so be praying that God will provide something else.

God bless, and thanks for praying for us.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 01-10-2005

Howdy folks! We're back in St. Louis. Currently, we're doing the usual Monday morning routine, which is resting and playing catch-up. As soon s I fire off this email, Anna I will be going out alone for the first time in weeks (tomorrow is the anniversary of when we got engaged 5 years ago!). We just haven't had time before now. Have to get groceries, run some errands, and lastly get some Chinese food at this new buffet that opened up nearby (mmm…mmm…good…). This is very romantic when you have 4 children! 🙂

Last night we were at Sweet Springs Baptist Church in Huntsville, MO. The meeting went great. They gave us an exceedingly generous love offering, which is very helpful, since our support level isn't very high yet. We'll be in a missions conference in Manchester, MO, Lafayette Bible Baptist Church and Pastor Ed Bragg to be precise, in a few days. Really looking forward to it. I love missions conferences. I'm really enjoying deputation. It feels great to be doing what you were meant to do, full time, and without having to juggle a full-time job. The kids have been great, more or less.

Great news! A pastor in North Carolina contacted me with the outstanding news that a member of his church, a widow, has a van she wants to give us. It's an '87 Ford Econoline conversion van. They bought it new, and it has 20 to 25,000 actual miles. The only thing is it's been sitting for two years. The battery is stone dead, and there may be some dry rot in some belts or a dirt dauber nest under the hood, but other than maybe that, it's in great shape. The pastor is going to check it out for us and make sure it runs. What a blessing! We got news of it barely 48 hours after our other van was declared Dead-On-Arrival. Thank you everyone for praying. I've checked out pictures of this make and model, and it looks very much like our old van. God was good to us in taking away the other van. We don't know all the reasons why, but everything He does is good. He has continued to be good to us in providing another van. Not that He had to do so. He is under no obligation to us to do anything. We are just so thankful that He has chosen to work in this way.

I'll probably be flying out next week to get it and drive it back to MO. Neat…

God bless y'all.