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Our Visit to the Sixth Floor Museum

Our Missions Conference in Texas

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 11-07-2023

Howdy folks!

We are back in Pensacola at last after two and a half months of traveling and ministering in churches in Texas, Florida, Kansas, Michigan and Tennessee. God was gracious. I was able to pretty thoroughly fill all the available time slots. In addition to visiting some of our supporting churches, I was able to present our ministry in 19 new churches. We have heard from one already that they are going to join our team and begin supporting us monthly. Pray specifically that God will provide the funds in the remaining churches to be able to finance more missionaries, and that they will be motivated to support us also.

Thank you for praying for our health and safety as we traveled. God kept us healthy throughout. Our vehicle has been very reliable and only required minimal maintenance.

As it stands now, we are planning to return to Uganda in January after the holiday rush is over and the ticket prices become somewhat less expensive. The cost of living has skyrocketed everywhere. The cost of fuel continues to rise thanks to the wars in Europe and the Middle East. It was already over $6 a gallon when we left and my deacons tell me it has gotten higher since then.

It is difficult to be away from our churches for this long. I get regular reports from our deacons in Uganda. The ministry seems to be doing well. Several in our church at Sangano are awaiting baptism. We have three couples who want to get married as soon as possible after we return. Some of these are young people who were children when we arrived in Uganda. I look forward to the privilege of performing these marriages and baptisms.

I am excited to return to the field and continue doing the work God called us to – preaching the Gospel, helping people come to Christ, baptizing them, discipling and training them, and adding them to the churches. We are eager to pick up where we left off in our men’s and women’s classes.

The need for funding to do several projects in the camp remains. If you could help us, you’ll be bringing aid and comfort to a lot of Christian people. I cannot do this alone. You can find out more here: OUTSTANDING PROJECTS

Thank you for praying for us, and thank you to all the churches who worked so hard to make our time with them these past few months a blessing.

God bless and keep you!

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MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 08-21-2023

Howdy folks!

After a blistering hot couple of August days in Alabama, we have another son married, and another daughter to welcome to the clan, Juliet Huckabee! It was a beautiful wedding ceremony. The Graves and the wedding venue did a fabulous job putting it all together. Congratulations to the newest newlyweds!

Meanwhile, school is starting back up for Elizabeth and Gaelin this week over at PCC (and lots of other college kids nationwide). Be in prayer for them both.

For Brennah, Anna and I, our Fall journeys have begun. I have us pretty well booked until November. We are out, beating the bushes trying to raise more support. Please pray for our meetings. I am specifically praying that we will have every church we visit join our team of monthly financial partners. Also pray I will be able to raise the funds needed for use out at the refugee camp.

Pray for our safety on the road, and for our health. We won’t have time to be sick. Also please pray that this mad plan by the regime in Washington of resuming COVID lockdowns in the Fall will be defeated. The last thing in the world I want to have happen is for these wicked politicians to lock me out of Uganda again, and do even more harm to the American economy and the people who depend on it for their livelihoods.

Pray for our churches in Uganda. Pray for our deacons who are holding down the fort there while I am in America trying to raise funds. Pray for souls to continue to be saved.

God bless you all!

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