MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 09-15-2005

Gaelin has come!! The newest member of the Huckabee clan has finally arrived. We showed up at the hospital on Monday night at 2100 to be induced, and 48 hours later, he was finally born. He weighed in at 9lbs 10oz, which is pretty much what we figured he’d be, which is why we were anxious for him to be born before he got any bigger. Anyway, I’m off to the hospital so the younguns can meet their new brother.

God is good!

The new young'un


MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 09-13-2005

Hey folks! We went in to DePaul hospital last night so Anna could be induced. We didn't want to go much past her due date because our babies tend to get huge, and her blood pressure tends to jump up if we do.

Please pray that everything will progress and that we'll have ourselves a Gaelin today. I came home to get some provisions and have to get back right away, but I wanted you all to know so you could be praying.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 09-06-2005

Hello all! I trust everyone had a good Labor Day (we did – barbecue and homemade ice cream, mmm, mmm, good). Our meeting at Calvary Baptist Church in Belleville, IL (Pastor Gary Huffman) went well. It was a good meeting, and we had some great fellowship with the Huffmans afterwards. On Monday (last Monday), Anna had significant labor, enough that I had her pack a bag and get ready to go. We had the grandparents (Anna's folks) on standby and everything, but I wanted to watch it for a while in case it petered out, which, true to form, it did. We haven't had a peep out of the little critter since then. Be in prayer about that. Anna would like to have this one without chemical assistance if possible. We had asked you all to pray about our finances this month (no meetings = starvation) this month. Well, the LORD provided $900! This was right on the heels of another $400 He provided (which paid last month's house payment), so we'll be able to live this month. What a blessing, and so timely, too. That's about it for now. I'll let you all know as soon as the baby acts like he intends to be born.

God bless,

James Huckabee
Missionary to Uganda

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 08-27-2005

Greetings! Just a quick update to let everyone know what's going on. Our trip to North Carolina and back went very well. Anna weathered it just fine, so thanks for praying for her. We had a great service and a wonderful time of fellowship with the Churchills. Charles (the younger) is a friend of mine from a while back, and it was good to get to visit with him and his wife, Susan, and Gavin, their cute little boy. Best news of all, the church voted to take us on for support on the spot! Can you believe it? I've never had a church do that before. What a blessing!

The meeting in Festus had to be bumped to Wednesday due to some last minute re-scheduling, but it went very well nonetheless. Bro. Himes has a great church and it was a blessing to get to visit with him and his family.

We've been resting up from our many meetings this summer, and frankly, enjoying the break. The next big event, of course, is the pending birth of our son, Gaelin Joseph Huckabee. He could come at any time. Unlike the others, this one seems inclined to be born. He has remained head-down, and is well engaged in the birth canal (unlike Ethan and Elizabeth, who kept flipping breech and stalling labor). Anna has been having sort of pre-labor off and on, but nothing regular, so no, she's not having the baby right now. However, the critter could come at any time, and seems highly motivated to do so, to his poor mother's great discomfort. It would be nice if he showed up sooner rather than later, so we're hoping the first week of September will be the time of his nativity. Pray that all will go well, and that Anna will be able to begin and maintain labor naturally, that labor will progress (once it starts), and that the birth will go smoothly, with no harm to either mother or baby.

We have a meeting in Belleville, IL on Sunday (Calvary Baptist Church, Pastor Gary Huffman), so pray for that, that all will go well, and that we'll be used of God to be a blessing to the folks there. After that, the next big piece of news will be the birth of our child, and don't worry, I will keep you posted, and will send out pictures as soon as I have them. We have no meetings in September until our church's Missions Conference at the end of the month, so Anna can have the baby, and get a chance to rest. This will give all of us a break, and a chance to come together as a family with the addition of a new child to the mix. Also, it will give our church a chance to see us, who have not in a long while with all our travels.

Pray for our finances this next month. We're still a bit behind from all the travelling we've done recently, and the support is still not there to cover everything well (tho', it's rising!). Pray that it will come up in the next month or so to get us back on our feet as the year winds down. Pray that we'll be able to cover our bills this month, and get everything back on track where it needs to be. No meetings for a few weeks, and low support could combine to create financial stress (more than usual), so pray that we'll be able to cover everything. Just so you know, when we came home from Montana, we were completely overwhelmed with bills, and within a few days, we saw God move mightily to meet all those bills (the van in particular), so your prayers are definitely being answered. Please keep it up. We're missionaries, and we live on prayer! Also, and I know you probably already are, but pray that our government will find a way to lower gas prices soon. It's been a real killer for us, as it no doubt has been for you. Our greatest months are coming, with some significant conferences and meetings as we wrap up the year. Pray for them and all of the churches we've visited, and for us, as we continue to pursue the mission field and God's will in Uganda.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 08-09-2005

Greetings! It is done. I have finally satisfied all the rigamarole that Missouri requires in order to license a vehicle to drive. That was my whole day Monday, pretty much. It had to be done though, because we were a day away from the 30 day time limit the state gives you to register your vehicle, on account of we were in Montana and South Dakota for three weeks, and couldn’t get our van from Mission Auto until we got back (that was my whole day on Saturday). We put the plates from our deceased van on this vehicle, which was fitting I thought for it’s replacement. What a blessing it is! It has dual air, so the kids get all the climate control they need (nice on these 100 degree days we’ve been having lately). It has this nifty trip computer that lets you know how many miles you have left on a tank of gas, handy for deciding when to get gas when you’re out and about in rural Missouri and elsewhere, in addition to compass and external temperature readout. It gets 25 miles to the gallon on the highway (very nice), and has front-wheel drive, so as to be more nimble in the snow and ice when we find ourselves having to drive in it (which will be rarely if I can help it). It rides very smooth, and is extremely quiet (nice to be able to converse with my family now). Most importantly is the amount of room they give you in back for luggage, and elsewhere for passengers. We can easily get all our stuff back there, along with our sundry mission-related paraphernalia. I think they must have hired some Time Lords to help with the engineering on that one. All in all, it is an extremely versatile, comfortable, and spacious vehicle that is going to make our deputation a lot easier and more efficient. For all of you who prayed and contributed to this great need, thank you. You have helped us tremendously, and more than I can really express in words. You see, our van is paid for now entirely. God provided all the money we needed to pay for the taxes on Monday to register it, and then today, in the mail, we received a check for $1500!! This is the final culmination of seven months of prayer, need, and struggle, and now, at last, we have had our need met in full measure. What a great and generous God we serve, who has indeed supplied all our need.

Here are some pictures of what your prayer and sacrifice have accomplished:

Car 01

Car 02

Car 03

Our meeting in Jefferson City, at Old Paths Baptist Church (Pastor Alan Golden) went well. I showed our slides and presented the work in Sunday School, and preached during the morning service. Many people responded, and God blessed. Pray that they’ll be able to be a mighty influence in Jefferson City, our state’s capitol.

We’re driving out to North Carolina on Friday for a meeting in 5 Forks Baptist Church (Pastor Charles Churchill). Bro. Churchill is father to an old friend of mine, so we’re looking forward to being with them on Sunday. Pray for Anna on this drive, that it won’t adversely affect her or Gaelin. This is cutting it close, but it is the last long distance trip until after the baby is born. We’ll be finishing up August with meetings that are very close to home (within an hour’s drive), and then nothing until the end of September, when we’ll be in our home church’s missions conference. Pray that I’ll be able to get our schedule full for next year. Pray that our support will increase by the end of the year so we can be in better shape financially for the travelling we’ll be doing next year. Pray that God will supply the funds for me to be able to buy a laptop computer soon, so I can stay on top of our correspondence, and work on my language study while on the road. Pray for the birth, that it will go smoothly, and without harm to mother or baby, and with no complications.