MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 12-06-2004


Finally got our first prayer letter put together and mailed out, and our first email update. Man, those prayer letters are a lot of work. And the postage!! And we're just getting started! Crikey! Finally got the Christmas lights up as well, standing on my rickety, demon-possessed ladder that plots to kill me every time I use it. The kids love this stuff. I try not to think about how the number of Christmases left in this house is diminishing. Makes the trouble of decorating worth it, considering the memories we're building for 'em.

Our meeting at Mission Hill Baptist Church in Palmyra, MO (9 miles outside Hannibal) went well. There was a good crowd, and I really felt like what we had to say resonated with the people. I always enjoy any opportunity to minister to folks, and it encourages me to be used of God to help people grow and serve the LORD more effectively. They gave us a very generous love offering, which was very timely, because we were needing to buy a few more items for the kids for Christmas, but weren't sure how we were going to obtain the money. Plus, it appears they're going to take us on for support as well. Praise the LORD! It amazes me how God works.

Be praying about January. Much hinges on when the churches I've been to already send in their support, if any. If they get it in this month, then we'll be alright, and will receive it the first of January. If they wait 'til January, we won't get anything 'til February, which could make January very tight. I'm working the first week of January, and then no more after that, so these kind of things are rather important.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 12-01-2004

Greetings one and all in the name of the LORD, and welcome to this, our first email update. I've been busily gathering email addresses the past two months, and now that our first prayer letter is going out (coming soon to a church near you), I figured it was time to start doing these updates. They will be shorter by far than the letters, but will arrive with more frequency. To date, we are at 5% support, and have been in 15 churches. We have been on deputation since September, and as the year's end approaches, we are looking forward to our imminent transition to full-time deputation. Up 'til now, I've been working for a local computer service outfit, fixing computers to pay the bills, while working in phone calls where I could, lining up meetings, and going to them on the weekends. God has greatly blessed in helping me to schedule 39 meetings so far, and we have been busily attending them.

I got the opportunity to up to Alaska in October, and spent a month up there, spread out over 5 missions conferences and 3 Sunday night meetings. It was quite beautiful, and the people were very gracious and receptive to our vision for Uganda. I have to say, I have greatly enjoyed deputation so far. I was dreading it somewhat at the onset, but I have been very encouraged by the churches we have attended. It has helped polish my preaching, my delivery of our message, and has greatly invigorated my walk with the LORD. It is quite exciting to be doing the LORD's work, and to know that what you're doing is what He truly desires.

Pray for us. We have a lot of driving ahead of us, and need God's protection. We need between 10% and 15% of our support by the end of the year so we can live once I quit my job. I would like to have next year solidly booked through June, so pray I'll be able to get ahold of Pastors (always a challenge), and be able to secure meetings. Pray God will raise the support quickly, and preferably, relatively close to home (except for lovely Alaska 🙂 ) so we won't have to kill ourselves travelling when we come home on furlough to "rest" and report to our supporting churches.

These are exciting days, and we look forward to bearing witness to all God is going to do.


Good meeting. The church has a really good spirit, and it was a pleasure to minister there. We had a great time of fellowship over at the Kiefer's house. They have a boy our guys' age, and a little girl a bit older than Elizabeth. She almost didn't know what to do with herself. There's a general shortage of little girls at our church, not to mention three year old boys, so it was a pleasant change of pace for everybody. They live in this huge farmhouse, which is good, because they have six children. No meeting this week, on account of the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving all!! We're busily working on the first of many prayer letters, so be on the lookout guys. God bless…

Back to Work

Finished up at Open Door Baptist, and then we came back home to crash. After a few days of rest and catching up with my family, it was back to work on Thursday. Work is going fine, and I'm glad I still know what I'm doing, and I still have a job and all, but I sure am looking forward to being a full time missionary. Until we get 10% support, tho', I have no choice – I have to work a secular job. We're up early this Sunday morning, and will be driving down to Perryville, MO, to Heartland Baptist Church. It's about 90 miles from here, so we can make it in time if we get an early start, and then drive back home tonight after church. I'll be showing our slides during Sunday School, and preaching in the morning service, and then we'll be spending the day there so folks can get to know us a little better.

Homeward Bound

Things went great at Immanuel Baptist. Finished up my part in the conference on Thursday night. Sure wish I could stay for all of it, but I have prior obligations in Overland, MO that I must keep. The flight went smooth, in the sense that they handled my luggage alright, and I made my connections, and we didn't crash or anything, but boy was it long. I hardly slept at all on the flight to Minneapolis. They had us crammed in there like canned hams, and of course, the evil midgets who secretly rule the world and despise all tall people, had conspired to make my chair too short for me to get comfortable in any position well enough to sleep. Then, once I was on the not even hour long flight to St. Louis, I had an entire row to myself and could stretch out. Why couldn't they do that on the prior flight!!

Made it home. What a homecoming! Man is it ever good to be home. No man should ever have to be away from family for that long. Don't know how our military guys stand it. I got Anna jade earrings, and this nifty hand-made, beadwork hair thing (holds the hair back, don't know the official name), the boys t-shirts with bears of Alaska, and Elizabeth some lambskin, pink moccasins. Had time for a shower and a nap, and then off to Open Door Baptist church in Overland for their annual Missions Banquet. The meeting is going well so far. Gave our testimonies Saturday night, and have Adult Sunday school, our slides, and two sermons to preach today. Sure am looking forward to a rest on Monday and Tuesday….