
We slept a bit better last night. The kids seemed to be coming down with something before we left. But once we got here, Elizabeth’s and Gaelin’s allergies went crazy. In the middle of the night Elizabeth woke me up crying. She said she had an earache. I couldn’t find the pain medicine! So I gave her a drink, vitamin C and snuggles. She went to sleep again but woke up VERY early this morning. I gave her her allergy medicine and not long afterward her ear began to drain. Poor thing! If she can just get good naps for a while it will help!

The water ran out for my shower this morning again. I must be showering about the same time as a bunch of other people! Guess I need to get up earlier! Thankfully it wasn’t off long and it didn’t mess anything up. It helped that I was ready for it, too!

Tonight we went to Walmart again to get the groceries that we need and pillows! As we were getting ready to leave we noticed that there was a man here from the church we’ll be attending while here that had brought his horses for folks to ride! Our kids have been asking if they would get to ride horses while we were down here and sure enough, right away they did. Even James and Gaelin got a turn. It was so great! They were very excited about it. This man brings his horses around for the missionary kids to ride so I expect we’ll get another chance for a ride.