First “real” class

Today we had our first “real” class since arriving. It was also the first time I was able to get the kid’s school work organized for them to go to class and not just play all morning. They did pretty well. Now I just have to help them with a few things that they didn’t really understand and then get things ready for next week.

Our class was Phonetics. We learned the various points of articulation, articulators, and manner of articulation. It was a LOT of information thrown at us very quickly but it helped me understand some things. We’ll be back at it again on Monday.

Tonight they had a meal for us and a hay ride sponsored by the church – East Side Baptist Church in Bowie. It was a lot of fun! It was hot in the beginning. We were out in the tabernacle and some of the men in the church grilled meat and the ladies brought in all the rest of the fixings. The boys were able to rip and tear with the other missionary kids around the property.

After we ate and sat for a little bit, and just as the sun was beginning to set, we loaded up on the wagon and set out. James and I were sitting on the edge with our feet dangling down. Most everyone else were sitting up on the hay bales. We drove along on the gravel roads in the area. Once we got out on some real road. Gaelin was sitting on my lap and let me tell you I hung on tight! A couple times cars passed going the other way and it sort of felt like my feet just might get scraped off. But there was more room than it looked and we made it through safely. It was totally dark when we got back. They had ice cream for us. Then we visited a little and took our weary bodies off to bed. The kids had NO trouble going to sleep tonight and I don’t think I will either!