All our adventures as missionaries, past and present.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 05-14-2007

Hello, again! The drive home from Fredericksburg, VA went great. Our van DID hold up, so thanks for praying. It went in to the mechanic today, where it will stay for the next few days while they pull the engine and replace the crankshaft. God has supplied the money for the fix, which is a great help. This week, we're enjoying being home, and getting things done around here. We are heading down to Florida on Friday for some meetings down there, and another in SC on the way back. Pray that the van will be done by Thursday, or sooner, so we can leave on time.

MISSION: Uganda Email Update 05-06-2007

Hello again! Here's the story so far, since our last update: Our meeting in Albermarle Baptist Church with Pastor Marc DeLoach went well. We had some great preaching from Pastor Jim Sumpter (Landmark Baptist Church, Richmond, VA). The services went well and God blessed, so thank you for praying for us. It was a busy week. We had plenty to do to keep us occupied. On Thursday, we visited Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's famous home. It was quite cool. The man basically had a little town on top of the hill, with a wide view of the entire surrounding area. He had a great gift for invention, and his home is full of nifty devices he created for various purposes. His library, what they had of it, was impressive, as was the collection of paintings in his gallery. It was a really neat opportunity, and Anna and I enjoyed it tremendously.

On Wednesday, we had a meeting in Great Hope Baptist Church of Chesapeake, VA with Pastor John Godfrey. I presented our burden and preached, and the LORD blessed. We met with their missions committee afterwards, and they are going to support us! I got a call from Pastor Steve Corbett of Bethel Baptist Church in LaPlata, MD as we were driving back to Williamsburg, VA where we stayed last week, and they have voted to support us also!

Then, this morning we had a meeting in Community Baptist Church of Dendron, VA with Pastor Gary Ross. It went well, and they, too, are supporting us. That makes five churches in a row (except for Albermarle), that are definitely supporting us right now, and Albermarle will soon once they've taken on the missionaries who were there before us. Isn't that exciting? God has answered my prayers, and is rapidly raising up our support as we approach the end of deputation, just in the nick of time.

This evening, we were in Faith Bapitst Church here in Fredericksburg, VA, with Pastor Don Forrester. The service went great. I presented our burden and preached, and God met with us in the service. Overall, this has been a very good and profitable period in our deputation this past month. We are approaching the end, and I am confident that the LORD is going to get all or most of our support raised up by August 22 when we begin language school. Things are progressing well, and the end is finally in sight.

We head back to St. Louis on Monday (tomorrow), so pray for us as we drive. We have a bent crankshaft that's making a bunch of racket. Pray that the engine hangs together until we can get home and get that fixed (I have an appointment with our mechanic on May 14, so we have to tolerate the noise until then). We have had the engine checked by two different mechanics, and they didn't think the engine was in any imminent danger. The only threat is to my sanity from having to listen to the continual chirping emanating from the engine compartment. Pray that all goes well on the voyage home.

MISSION: Uganda Email Update 04-24-2007

Hello! Our meeting in Mountain Lake Independent Baptist Church went very well. Our soulwinning effort yesterday in Pittsburgh, PA went great. I handled placing literature form Safe Harbor Baptist Church in doorways (it was large for little hands, and kind of slick), and James and John handed out tracts to anybody out on the street. They were very bold, and each handed out about 20 gospel tracts (the weather was perfect, and lots of folks were out and about). They make me very proud. It was a big encouragement to Pastor Lint and his folk, and I was happy for the opportunity to help their ministry. Theirs is the only fundamental, Independent Baptist church in their area of Pittsburgh. Pray for this new church plant as they continue to grow and see folks saved. Pray that the literature will bear fruit, with souls saved and added to the church.

On Sunday, I got to speak in the Youth Sunday School class, which was a blessing as always, and I showed our slides and spoke about Uganda in the evening service. Now here's the really great news: they have taken us on for support also! That's two in a row. Pastor Corbett in Bethel Baptist in LaPlata, MD set up both these meetings for me, and they have both resulted in support for us. Thanks Bro. Corbett! God has just been bringing in the support, and showing Himself strong on our behalf. We should be doing very well by the time we go to language school in August. Pray that we will have at least 80% of our support by then. We have so enjoyed our time here with Pastor Leatherman and Mountain Lake Independent Baptist Church. They have welcomed us and made us feel right at home, and I am very glad we get to be one of their missionary families.

Tomorrow we drive to Charlottesville, VA for a missions conference with Pastor Mark DeLoach in Albermarle Baptist Church. Pray for God's blessing in the meetings each day, and that they will have the funds to support us as well.

That's all for now!

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 04-20-2007

Howdy once again! Much has happened since our last communique´. Our trip up to Maryland went great. The conference was tremendous. Dr. Pat Creed was the speaker. Nathan Kinoshita and his family were there (missionaries to Tokyo, Japan), as well as the Stanley family to England. Bro. Creed did a great job, and ministered to me greatly. On Saturday, Pastor Corbett and his family took us to D.C. It was windy and cold. We did get to the Natural History to let the kids see the dinosaur bones again. However, they had just opened a new exhibit, the Tiffany Diamond, up in the "Rock Section" of the museum, so the place was a madhouse. We thought after that that we'd head over to the American History museum close by, but it was closed for renovations. We thought of going to the Spy Museum, but it was too far away. Naturally by this time, our children were too bored, cold and crabby to enjoy anything, so we decided to head home. We figure we'll bring them back when we're on furlough and by then they should enjoy it a bit more.

My conference in South Carolina was canceled, so Bro. Corbett went above and beyond the call of duty and arranged some meetings in MD for me. His conference finished up on Sunday early enough for us to get to another church in the evening service, so he arranged a meeting for us in Corner Stone Baptist Church in Owings, MD with Pastor Ronald Titus. I showed the slides and gave our testimonies and answered questions in the six o'clock hour, normally training time for them, and preached in the seven o'clock hour. So, all told, I was in five services on Sunday (Sunday School, Junior Church, Morning Service, Afternoon Service, Training Hour, Evening Service). We were tired, but it was a good tired. Pastor Titus led the church to vote to support us on the spot, which was a tremendous blessing to us.

On Tuesday, I found out that my Sunday meeting in Madison, WV had been flooded out by the heavy rainfall they had received there. Pray for West Madison Baptist Church and Pastor John Browning as they handle the cleanup. Their prophet's chamber was ruined, and the Pastor lost his entire library. We were slated to be in Mountain Lake Independent Baptist Church in Oakland, MD (up in the panhandle) with Pastor Dennis Leatherman on Wednesday. I let him know what was happening, and he invited us to come out, attend church Wednesday night, and present our work on Sunday in the evening service. In the meantime, we can stay in their prophet's house until next Wednesday, when we'll be heading to our conference with Albermarle Baptist Church in Charlottesville, VA (they haven't canceled yet.). 

Yesterday, I gave a devotional in a luncheon they had for their seniors. I went with the Pastor and his deacon to Frostburg, MD, a college town where they have a state university, and between the three of us we handed out 554 tracts in an hour-and-a-half. We got back in time for soulwinning that evening, and I got to go give the gospel out to some folks. On Saturday, James and John and I are going with them up to Pittsburgh, PA to paper an area near to a church plant that's just been birthed up there. Pray we'll see souls saved, and new members added to the church.

It's been a refreshing and profitable week-and-a-half. We have seen God clearly direct our steps to help us get into churches and get support from places that we had not originally planned on visiting, but are glad we did. At the moment, we're up in the beautiful mountains that run along the border of Maryland and West Virginia. The folk here love the LORD and have ministered to us. We're very glad we got the chance to come over here. Next week, we'll be heading down to VA for our meeting with ABC, so pray for that conference.

These are busy days, but God is raising up the support and is on track to getting our deputation finished so we can go to language school in August.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 04-06-2007

Hello folks! Our trip home from Florida went well. We had a conference in Tri-County Baptist Church in Washington, MO with Pastor Daryl Tharp on March 25. The meeting went great. I had the Sunday School hour, and showed our slides and talked about the field of Uganda and the call of God on our life. Pastor Mike Andrews from Victory Baptist Church over in St. Louis preached the morning service, and I preached the evening service. After I finished up preaching that night, I got to lead a young lady to the LORD. Her name is Mandy, so pray for her growth. Our boys and his boys are about the same age, so our guys had a great time playing with them. We had a great time of fellowship with the Tharps. He's got a great church going here, and well situated as people move out from the city to settle in country. It's a growing area in other words. Pray that they will be able to effectively minister to the area. Pray that God will increase their membership. Pray that the folks in their church will continue to grow and serve the LORD, and that God will continue to prepare men for leadership in the church. Pray for Bro. Tharp. St. Louis is a hard area to reach.

We've been very busy while home. Anna and I were able to get some projects done that were hanging over our heads. I retooled the website. Most of the changes that you will see are cosmetic, but under the hood, it has a bunch of new code, and should be much easier to work with. We were able to get some needed rest. It was good to break out the lawnmower and what not, and start doing yard work again, as Spring has finally come. It was good to get to be here for our church's Easter cantata, and to be here on Sunday for Easter services. However, after Easter: back to work! On Tuesday, we'll be heading up to LePlata, MD for a conference in Bethel Baptist Church with Pastor Steve Corbett. Pastor Pat Creed, Caribbean Director for BIMI will be the main speaker. It's going to be a great conference, and we're really looking forward to it. This begins a series of meetings that will keep us away from home 'til mid-May. Pray for us as we travel.