MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 04-26-2005

Howdy, all! Things went well at Calvary Baptist Church in Campbell, MO. It's a town almost on the Arkansas border, about an hour from Walnut Ridge. Our boys had a great time playing with Pastor Tony Woods' kids, Anthony and Loren. Anthony had this battery powered, toy 4-wheeler, and the guys drove it all over. I'll get pics up soon so you can see for yourself. It was good to fellowship with the Woods'. They're our age, so we had plenty to talk about. They've got this vibrant, Independent Baptist church, surrounded by all these General Baptist churches. The General Baptists think you can lose your salvation. So, it's nice that there's a Biblical church in the area, not only soulwinning, but believing that once the Gospel "takes", it stays with you for eternity. I preached with a lot of liberty in the evening service. It's always good to know that God is using you to call people to Himself, and it was apparent that He was present in the service. It was a great meeting, and we were glad to get to be there.

The big day is coming tomorrow, when we finally get an ultrasound and get some reconnaissance photos of what's going on in Anna's womb. Will it be one baby or two, and what gender are we talking about here? Enquiring minds want to know. I'll send out another update tomorrow when we know. We'll be driving to Blaine, MN on Saturday, so pray that the drive goes without difficulty, and that our rickety old Astro holds together to get us there and back.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 04-21-2005

Just a quick FYI. We were contacted by MissionAuto in Ohio (they're a ministry that helps missionaries obtain low cost vehicles for deputation and furlough). They have a 2000 Pontiac Montana, 78,000 miles, asking price $6995. What sets this minivan apart from others is that it seats eight! It's spacious, and has two sliding doors (one on each side of the vehicle). It gets 25 mpg on the highway, which would be a big plus these days with the astronomical gas prices. It's front wheel drive, which would make it more nimble in slick road conditions. It has dual airbags in the front, so overall it sounds like a very safe vehicle, borrowing some design specs from SUVs. We would get the seating of a passenger van, without having to have a massive passenger van. This would suit our needs perfectly. We only have $1000 to work with at the moment, so pray that the remaining $6000 will arrive in the next week so we can purchase this thing. If we do so, they fix it up for you (part of the ministry), and they have folks who volunteer their time to drive it to you, so we wouldn't have to go get it. We're driving down to Campbell, MO (3 1/2 hours away) this weekend, so be in prayer for that as well.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 04-18-2005

Greetings! Quiet day today, so I reckoned I’d better take advantage of it to send an update. We were home this weekend for the very simple reason that I couldn’t line up any meetings for April 17, try as I might. Not a problem, tho’, because it’s nice to get a break from meetings in order to be in your home church once in a while, and to get caught up on the stuff (translation: laundry and yard work) piling up in your absence at home.

Week before last, we were in Gethsemene Baptist Church in Walnut Ridge, AR. This is Kyle Guimon’s hometown and boyhood church, and is where his parents attend. It was a very good church, and it was a great encouragement to us just being there. Derek Collins has a real heart for his community, and for soulwinning, as does his church. 97 have been saved through their ministry in the last year, which is a prodigious achievement. God is plainly at work there, and the people are joyful to be a part of it. Since they’re the only ones doing any kind of community outreach, with the exception of the Jehovah’s Witnesses (and they don’t count), they have been tagged with the derisive term of “Walkers”. Walkers, indeed! You know, the LORD needs some more Walkers out there, folks who will get out and do the daunting task of sowing the gospel seed. They’re doing it in Walnut Ridge, and it’s clearly bearing fruit. While there, we got to visit with the Guimons and be an encouragement to them. We’ll be heading back to Walnut Ridge in June for their missions conference, so we’ll get to spend more time with these wonderful people and their great pastor and wife then.

You’ve no doubt heard by now of the Guimon’s house fire over in Uganda, so be in prayer for them. It wasn’t a total loss or anything, but it did do about $6000 worth of damage, and the cleanup and repair will take some time. Our church, Kyle’s and our sending church, is sending a team over to teach some classes in Bible Study Methods and the Pastoral Epistles to their class of would-be preachers at the end of May, so the timing is not good. They’re wore out (yes, I know, the correct spelling is worn, but chalk it up to southern color). God is using ’em, and the Devil is evidently resisting their efforts, but flesh is flesh and they’re just tired. Pray for them in the month ahead as they, and our Pastor, Ken Spilger, get all the remaining details worked out in lieu of the trip over. What they will be doing is of critical importance, and is a key component of the sort of training that you have to have in order to have reliable men trained to take over church plants in the area.

Pray for us. The summer months are very full and very busy, which is good, but the logistics are real, and the doing of it can be tiring at times. We have a birth looming in September, which, praise the LORD appears to be paid for. We still need a passenger van large enough to carry the new passengers that are currently in production. If God would provide that soon, or the remaining funds we need to go with the $1000 someone graciously gave to us to help buy a van, it would be a big help, as the long driving is coming up starting on May 1 with a meeting in Minnesota, and carrying through the remainder of the year. Plus, our current vehicle has no air conditioning, and the heat’s a little rough on the little guys. Pray for the remainder of the pregnancy. We’re about halfway through right now. We had our first doctor’s visit last Tuesday, but it was more an interview, paperwork kind of thing, so I’m afraid no news until April 27. Anna will be having an ultrasound then, which will yield the two bits of information of greatest interest at the moment: 1) How many? and 2) What genders (s)? I am greatly encouraged by our deputation. I can see things coming together. The meetings are lining up great, as you’ll see once I get the online version of our itinerary done (check General Info from time to time). We seem to be making clear progress, and God has let us be a part of ministering to folks and churches all over as we travel hither and yon on deputation.

Well, I reckon that’s all I can think of for now. Thanks for praying for us, and for the kind words of encouragement that different ones have emailed our way.

MISSION: Uganda Blog Update 04-04-2005

Howdy, folks! We're back in town again. We just finished a missions conference in Ash Street Baptist Church (Pastor Jerry Pyle) in Nevada, MO. They've got a problem, the best of problems – they're outgrowing their building. Be in prayer for them as they seek other property elsewhere in town where then can build a larger building. Bro. Hathcock from Tulsa Baptist Temple preached, and did superbly. He preached a message from 2 Corinthians 5 on the Great Commission, how we are ambassadors for Christ. The phrase that stood out the most to me was in verse 20 "as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God." Ours is a ministry of reconciliation. We beseech the world in Christ's stead: be ye reconciled. There is no greater calling, and no greater privilege, than that God should include us in His great ministry of reconciliation. The church loves the LORD, as does their pastor, and it is evident to witness. It was very refreshing to be there. We had some good fellowship with Jason and Sarah Knabb, missionaries on their way to Vera Cruz, Mexico. They were just regular folks like us, trying to do God's will and get to the field, and it was a pleasure getting to know them. Pray for Larry, a thirteen year old young man who got saved while Jason and I were out soulwinning on Saturday. Also be in prayer for Curtis and Pat Hollingsworth, and older couple who were under great conviction as we witnessed to them, but were unwilling to be saved.

Be praying. Pastor Aaron Rodgerson from one of our supporting churches (Southside Baptist in Kirksville, MO) may have located a potential van for us. It's a '99 Ford E350, with a V10 engine, and 78,000 miles. It appears to be in great shape. The owner is asking $10,500, but would probably come down in price to at least $9,000. Needless to say, we don't have even $9,000 dollars, and no way to get it, apart from maybe selling a kidney on EBay. 😉 We've been praying for God's provision, and have not seen an answer as yet. We are continuing to pray for His provision in this so we can get this van, which we desperately need to get our growing family around in on deputation. Pray with us on this if you would, as this would be a tremendous vehicle if we could scrounge the money to purchase it.

We'll be in Kyle Guimon's parents' church in Walnut Ridge, AR on Sunday. Looking forward to visiting with them, and their church. Hope the weather is as pretty for y'all as it is for us here in St. Louis. Spring at last!!

"Nuff said…

He is Risen!

He is risen indeed!

Happy Easter everybody!

"Now upon the first [day] of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain [others] with them.
And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.
And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:
And as they were afraid, and bowed down [their] faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?
He is not here, but is risen…" Luke 24:1-6