Entries by Anna

First “real” class

Today we had our first "real" class since arriving. It was also the first time I was able to get the kid’s school work organized for them to go to class and not just play all morning. They did pretty well. Now I just have to help them with a few things that they didn’t really understand and then get things ready for next week.

Our class was Phonetics. We learned the various points of articulation, articulators, and manner of articulation. It was a LOT of information thrown at us very quickly but it helped me understand some things. We’ll be back at it again on Monday.

Tonight they had a meal for us and a hay ride sponsored by the church – East Side Baptist Church in Bowie. It was a lot of fun! It was hot in the beginning. We were out in the tabernacle and some of the men in the church grilled meat and the ladies brought in all the rest of the fixings. The boys were able to rip and tear with the other missionary kids around the property.

After we ate and sat for a little bit, and just as the sun was beginning to set, we loaded up on the wagon and set out. James and I were sitting on the edge with our feet dangling down. Most everyone else were sitting up on the hay bales. We drove along on the gravel roads in the area. Once we got out on some real road. Gaelin was sitting on my lap and let me tell you I hung on tight! A couple times cars passed going the other way and it sort of felt like my feet just might get scraped off. But there was more room than it looked and we made it through safely. It was totally dark when we got back. They had ice cream for us. Then we visited a little and took our weary bodies off to bed. The kids had NO trouble going to sleep tonight and I don’t think I will either!


We slept a bit better last night. The kids seemed to be coming down with something before we left. But once we got here, Elizabeth’s and Gaelin’s allergies went crazy. In the middle of the night Elizabeth woke me up crying. She said she had an earache. I couldn’t find the pain medicine! So I gave her a drink, vitamin C and snuggles. She went to sleep again but woke up VERY early this morning. I gave her her allergy medicine and not long afterward her ear began to drain. Poor thing! If she can just get good naps for a while it will help!

The water ran out for my shower this morning again. I must be showering about the same time as a bunch of other people! Guess I need to get up earlier! Thankfully it wasn’t off long and it didn’t mess anything up. It helped that I was ready for it, too!

Tonight we went to Walmart again to get the groceries that we need and pillows! As we were getting ready to leave we noticed that there was a man here from the church we’ll be attending while here that had brought his horses for folks to ride! Our kids have been asking if they would get to ride horses while we were down here and sure enough, right away they did. Even James and Gaelin got a turn. It was so great! They were very excited about it. This man brings his horses around for the missionary kids to ride so I expect we’ll get another chance for a ride. 

Our first day as Texans

We didn’t sleep much last night. We left our pillows at home for people to use who are staying in our house while we’re gone. They are king sized for our bed and we’re sleeping in a queen size here so we figured they wouldn’t fit. So last night James and I used travel pillows. Hah! The kids use them and don’t complain but they just don’t support an adult head and neck. Then, when we took our emergency trip to Walmart last night we forgot pillows. Thank God for coffee! Cool

The water supply has, apparently been an issue down here. This morning I got in the shower and started getting clean. I had just put the conditioner in when there was suddenly no water! No big deal. I could wash myself without water. However rinsing was going to be a slight issue very soon! So I finished up all I could without water and tried the water again. By then a slight trickle was coming out. It was enough to rinse the soap off. By the time that was done, enough was coming out (cold water, mind you! Thankfully it is summer and hot!) to rinse the conditioner out of my hair. Ah, some more GMT!

This afternoon, after class, we tackled the pile of containers in the livingroom. We’ve pretty much got everything put away and cleaned like we need it to be. James rearranged the furniture in the livingroom so we could fit some of the things we brought. I also was able to wash some things that needed it in the bathroom and make it feel like we live here. We encountered some mouse droppings as we cleaned up so we could be in for some surprises come winter! 

Down to Texas

We’re in Texas at language school. Saturday we picked up the truck and began loading it. Yes, truck. Sigh. Who knew we could have that much stuff to take with us. It was actually the smallest truck that U-Haul rents out so it wasn’t that bad. Sunday night was James’ ordination service (I’m married to an ordained minister!) and Monday we got up bright and early to take off for Texas. But we had to finish loading first. So, after much ado, running errands and all the fuss and bother of it, including my brothers coming over and helping us get the last of the things in, we finally set out.

It was raining. It hasn’t rained in weeks in St. Louis and it rained off and on all day when we were finishing packing and leaving. Not to mention the fact that we got stuck in traffic on our way out of town. Gaelin was exhausted and needed a nap but refused to sleep. James was driving the truck and I was following with the van. No sooner were we out on the road than I glanced back and noticed that Gaelin had climbed out of his carseat!Yell Ethan was sitting in the back and he helped me by getting Gaelin back in his chair and buckling him in. 5 min. later he was out again. So Ethan got him in again. After 45 min. of this, Ethan was in tears and so was I. We finally stopped for a potty break and James dealt with Gaelin appropriately. Then, on the next stretch of driving he finally fell asleep. Later in the evening, after we stopped for gas and to eat he started doing it again. So I started pulling over and dealing with him every time. It took longer but I think he got the hint because it improved dramatically after that!

When we got here, everyone was already here. A lot of the other missionary men helped James unload the truck. In only a few minutes we had everything unloaded and stacked in the livingroom of the house in which we’re living. Then began the awesome and overwhelming job of finding the things we needed to sleep that night – primarily bedding for the beds. We’d used a lot of the bedding as packing buffer for breakable things, or as fill for containers that weren’t quite full. So it was spread through many of the boxes. Mrs. Cobb was so gracious and fixed supper for us! It was a blessing to have "real" food!

Class began Wednesday morning bright and early, so we also had to find clothes. We had most everything we needed for that but breakfast was quite the challenge. We took an emergency trip to town to Walmart to get the things we needed and then turned the truck back in at the same time. Then it was home and to bed.

When God Moves

Today I picked up a hitch hiker. It was the first time I've ever done anything like that before. I had to make a trip to Sam's to return some meat we got there that was bad. As I drove up to the entrance ramp a lady was sitting by the ramp with her thumb out. The rule for me (given me by my husband and my father before him) was to NOT pick up any hitch hikers. So my first instinct was to drive on past. But the Holy Spirit very distinctly impressed me that I needed to stop and pick her up. I started to go ahead and drive by, but the burden to pick her up was so great that I pulled over and did so. It was one of those times where you know He isn't speaking to you audibly but it feels like He is just to make sure you hear Him.

As I stopped I prayed and asked God for boldness to witness to her. My plan was, since I had a captive audience to witness to her the whole time she was in my car.

I got out and helped her load her things and then we started off. She only wanted me to take her as far as I was already going, but as I drove God impressed me to go further. I asked her where she needed to go and she told me that if she could get to I-70 it would be a big help. So I took her there. We talked the whole time. God gave me great liberty. She brought up spiritual things and I was able to boldly speak truth and give her the gospel not once but twice! She tried to explain her beliefs but I could tell she is very confused.

As she got out I gave her some money for food down the road since she had just eaten. I also gave her some sunscreen that "just happened" to be in the car. She is a very fair skinned red head and already had a terrible sunburn. Then I gave her a tract and told her that it explained what I'd already told her.

So, if you think about it, pray for Priscilla. Pray that God will continue to put people in her path that will show her God's love and the truth and that she will get saved. She really wants to understand the truth but Satan is doing all he can to blind her mind. We prayed together several times and she asked God to show her the truth. I prayed for her that God would honor that prayer. I believe God put me in her path because she has prayed for that very thing in the past.

 Sometimes it is so humbling to get a little tiny glimpse of God's great big picture. It's even more humbling to be part of it. When God moves in a life, nothing can stand in His way!